Up for bid is another nice 4-4-0 USMRR locomotive that I have built and decorated to match the old AHM\Pocher\Rivarossi Lincoln Funeral Car and all the passenger cars I have built since 2014 to match it.  Therefore it is painted and decorated in the same somber colors as the Lincoln Car being two tone brown and black with gold graphics.  The custom built cab is a little odd as I built it from parts of at least three other cabs.  Its roof is peaked, the top is from a "Bowker" and the bottom is from a "Reno" and it has almost a sun visor on the front!  I get very tired of all the old timey Rivarossi locomotives being only Baldwin products.  When I bought this one the builders advertising plates between the drivers were missing so I replaced them with a couple of modified ones for the Mason Locomotive Works.  I gave it the number 81 and also gave the tender a load of real wood fuel that I cut and split with tiny tools!  And it runs well!  Old no.81 will look great hauling a string of my Lincoln Cars!!  Good Luck, Be Well, God Bless and Thanks For Keeping Me Making These!!!