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2x DD7098 water filter Daewoo refrigerator, 3019974100

Water filter DD-7098 (497818) for Daewoo SBS refrigerator

for freestanding refrigerators (side by side) part no: 3019974100, 3019974800

with external water filter Brand new, with protective caps and in the original packaging!
Incl. 2 hose connectors and 2 retaining clips

suitable for

Filtration with activated carbon
This filter is filled with granular activated carbon. Filters mechanical contaminants, micro-sediments, chlorine, pesticides, heavy metals and many organic chemicals. Refines the taste of the water.

The advantages at a glance
-Less foreign matter in your water and ice system -Deposits in the ice system are reduced
-Your water quality is higher quality
-Even better water taste
-Diamond clear ice cubes

Technical specifications
Water filters
Model: DD-7098
Filter content: granular activated carbon.
Max. Flow/min: up to 1.3 liters
Max. Flow: up to 2000 liters (528.6 gallons)
Max. Water temperature: 38°C (100°F)
Min. Water temperature: 0.6°C (3°F)
Pressure: up to 8.5 bar (125 psi)
Length: 30.5cm
NSF Certified

The filter connections have hygienic protective caps that you can easily remove.

This filter fits Allen Bosch, Siemens, Daewoo and Neff refrigerator models that have an external water filter. The external water filters are installed between the 1/4 inch plastic hose (6mm diameter) connected to the cold water pipe.

Daewoo(DD7098, 3019974800),
Bosch(DD-7098, 497818)
Neff (DD7098)
and many others.

Please note: The filter does not fit refrigerators that have an internal water filter.

According to the device manufacturers' recommendations, you should always replace the water filter if:
-the associated warning light on your refrigerator lights up (depending on the model),
-the refrigerator has not been used for a long time,
- if the water develops an odor or becomes cloudy,
-or to be on the safe side, according to the TwVo, every 6 months at the latest, even if the filter has a higher capacity!

Further information can be found in the operating instructions for your device!


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  • Many years of experience in the field of water treatment allow us to find the right solution for your “water problem”.


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