Wooden Sculpture By Nina Grey (B:1907).

Nina Grey was born in Lvov, Poland in 1907. In 1915, at the age of eight, Grey and her family moved as refugees to Vienna, Austria, where she grew up: attending the College for Jewish Teachers, embarking on a teaching career, and getting married. In 1939 war broke out in Europe and Grey and her husband moved to England. Grey studied sculpture in London, attending the Hornsey School of Art, and then St Martin’s. In the 1960s she exhibited at Ben Uri and at Foyles Art Gallery. In 1980 she presented a bronze cast of ‘Flame of Remembrance’ to Yad Vashem (World Holocaust Museum, Israel).

This wonderful piece is very typical of her work in its perfect observation of the female form and it’s atmospheric almost haunting beauty.

The condition is good with possible water marks near the base - these could be easily restored or left as they show age and add character.
