With the ownership of this unique, solid, pendant with magical crystals in the center, comes precious gifts, the gift of SIGHT. You will receive MENTAL DOWNLOADS resulting in VISIONS, HEIGHTENED INTUITION, that, we have to warn you, can result in PREMONITIONS also. They can be more eerie than VISIONS and Heightened INTUITION, so we just need to make you aware of this. These all can occur while awake, or during sleep. Of course, these gifts can be a joy as well. You have to accept the bad with the good. If it becomes to much to bear, simply put the pendant in it's pouch, tie it tight, until you feel you are capable of handling it, then you can take it out again. It will cause the mental downloads, VISIONS, INTUITION to subside. 
                                                                                                  *I am required to state that this item is for entertainment purposes only.
                             *Beaded black choker not included in auction.