Title: Born to Win
Author: Devanand Saraswatijimaharaj, Swami Guru
Publisher: Page Publishing, Inc.
Binding: Paperback
Pages: 238
Dimensions: 9.00h x 6.00w x 0.65d
Product Weight: 0.95 lbs.
Language: English
ISBN: 9798886541557

Born to WinYou cannot buy peace of mind at a pharmacy. Try to always keep a clean conscience so that you can always look into the eyes of others. Make an effort to think positively. Learn to control the quality and quantity of your thoughts. This is very important if you want to be happy. Your mind is not meant to be destroyed with drugs, vices, and negative thoughts. Your mind is meant to be disciplined, developed, and educated. If there is no inner peace, there is no world peace. The Mantra Yoga Meditation technique is an essential discipline you can use to strengthen, purify, and train your mind. Without control of the mind, there is no success.Choose to succeed!


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