I have been enamored of and specialized in Columbiana since I acquired my first prooflike medal from the fair....in 1979.
For those who are familiar with The History Bank you are aware of my interest (you could say obsession) in the worl's fair. 
I've written about the many similar but not identical landing scenes that grace probably close to 50 WCE medals of all sizes and metal content.

I learned long ago that determining the grade (whether numeric or not) of such medals lies very clearly with the landing scene. You can tell quite quickly the condition and the quality of the strike by examing Columbus and his band of merry men. It is quite rare to see this detail on any Columbus lanading scene. Even Columbus' face can (and often is) lacking detail on a clearly BU medal. And it is quite unusual to see any detail on the men at the extreme right and left of the scene. Many such scenes include a Native American, unfortunately looking quite meek and subjugated on the periphery of the scene. And many of the scenes include a ship in the distance or a small skiff behind the landing party. These features were obviously omitted in favor of a larger contingent of sailors--9 men. And darned if none of them have that smashed face lacking detail as if they'd just been battered in a boxing match.

The coin is a gem BU and prooflike, not just because of the unusual detail but a tilt of the piece and it shows off reflective prooflike fields, also.

I am working now on my 3rd WCE book, a catalog of tickets and passes to the WCE; it will include--with color--more photos than most people were even aware that such tickets exist. And rather than a catalog it will include extensive text and unlike so many books of this type it will NOT have a price guide....for many reasons. There ae so many factors involved that setting a price is counter productive. But I have been collecting/researching Columbiana and tickets for several decades. I will include actual selling prices pretty much from the late 1980s to the present.

I am currently working on sample designs and formats and my target for publication is before the end of the year. On my to do list for Columbiana? Develop a catalog of medals and tickets from the John Kennel WCE collection which I wrote about while selling it from 2019-2021. It was quite a fabulous collection.

Enough of information NOT related to this listing!

I'm back as of May 7 for just an hour or two a day after my knee replacement surgery (What a wonderful treat!) but will get back up to speed as quickly as possible. It will still be a couple weeks at least before I can work full time again. Please ask about a special sale I'm planning--just medals: Those from the WCE, other US and European fairs,1851 Crystal Palace through Vancouver's Expo '86, non-fair medals, most very high grades, nearly all AT LEAST BU and plenty of gems and prooflikes as well. It's a great group and I've assembled 50 medals thus far and will continue to add items for the sale in the coming weeks.

If you drop me a note I can let you know when the sale is ready. It will likely not be before late June.

Please take a moment to stop by the WORLDS COLUMBIAN JOURNAL, my blog dedicated to just the 1893 expo. It is strictly an editorial site and thus ok to list per Ebay's rules. You can find it at www.worldscolumbianjournal.com If this link doesn't take you directly to the site please just paste it into your browser. Note there is no apostrophe in 'worlds' in the address.

And you should be aware that my pricing on this medal, while below wholesale, also is higher than it would be if the condition/strike was "typical." This is really an unusually outstanding example of this medal. I'm quite sure that most sellers would ask $100+.