From the trio of BATS, to the THIRD EYE SUN, and the DARK HEART ...all the way down to the COFFINS....This MAGNIFICENT neckwear has all the ELEMENTS  YOU NEED to ASCEND to a VAMPIRE LEADER. You will be trained well first, of course. You will be visited by THREE SPIRITS, but not the SPIRITS of CHRISTMAS  PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE.....U will be visited frequently by VERY WISE, VERY EXPERIENCED, VERY INTUITIVE, ANCIENT VAMPIRE Spirits. They can also reach you TELEPATHICALLY.  They have a DUTY to pass on their KNOWLEDGE to their new colleague, YOU. You will come across other leaders, as well as trainees on your life's  journey, in daily life and on the ASTRAL REALMS. You will instantly recognize their Vampiric energy. You can hear them TELEPATHICALLY,  and speak to them TELEPATHICALLY  as well. You will be involved in meet ups on the astral realms, like business meetings, that can carry over to your daily life as well when you recognize and also ATTRACT YOUR KIND. What VAMPIRES get up to, we're  not going to reveal, as you will soon be privy to it all. We will put it this way, they are VERY IMPORTANT in the daily flow of energy, of life. 

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