We will be listing a large group of Mining and Mining related photos from 1899 - 1900 of the Yukon Territory, including Miners' tent cities and a photo of the Dewey Hotel in Grand Forks.  We will later list more very interesting photos from the same group.   We believe the photos we are listing to be from Grand Forks or more likely Dawson.  It is possible some are in the White Horse area or even Alaska.  Because of the Miles Canyon photo and the Dewey Hotel photo, we believe they are from Dawson or Grand Forks.  All photos are the same size and coloring and weight.  We do welcome info from you experts as to location.  We love a mystery but it would be great to learn for certain where these photos were taken.  *** We just located a few more from this grouping of miners and towns identified as the Dasher family mining in Alaska.  Some of the group are from the Yukon Territory and some are from Alaska.  The Dashers will be listed last in this listing.

National Park Service:   "By midsummer of 1898, there were 18,000 people at Dawson, with more than 5,000 working the diggings.  By August, Many of the stampeders had started for home, most of them broke.  The next year saw a still larger exodus of miners when gold was discovered at Nome, Alaska."  July of 1899, Photographer E. A. Hegg sold his business to P. E. Larss and moved to Nome.  The studio burned in 1898 and was rebuilt (perhaps this explains why some of these photos are from the Yukon and Alaska).  The Kinsey Brothers also photographed Grand Forks and the area.  

PLEASE NOTE:  The above scans are fairly close to the original.  The original is a lovely brown with and has pretty good contrast.  Please read description below and study our photos for condition.

***************If you buy 1 or all, all you pay for shipping is $6.20.*************** But await our invoice please.

DESCRIPTION:  This is an especially interesting and historical antique photo.  Three boats equipped with sails and oars are lined up together on what is likely the Yukon River.  The men are likely miners on their way to find their fortune.  We believe photo was taken in the Dawson or Grand Forks area, even possibly White Horse.  Please read our blue text above for info and provenance.  We welcome info from you experts if you recognize the topography. **We just located a small group of this same genre and miners are identified as the Dasher family, so this may be Alaska, and we lean toward the Yukon.  One of the photos in this group is of the Dewey Hotel in Grand Forks and all photos match size and paper.  The boats are loaded with goods the sails are on top.  These would be useful as tents. Notice there is a lady at the right of the photo.  We were able to read the name of one boat, Willa, possibly for the lady on board.  The other boat is either Wasco or Vesta.  There is another boat in the background.  The photo is a nice brown and has very good contrast.   The photo is in very good condition with slightly bumped corner tips and slight wear at some tips.  There is a super tiny diagonal crease at the very tip of the upper left corner.  The photo is about 4 1/4 by 7 1/4 inches and we believe this to be from 1898 to 1900.  What an especially lovely composition and what a nice piece of history!
Please email questions.   We pack with great care.

The purple lettering is not on the original photo.