Ukraine 2024 Coin – Chornobyl. Revival. The Black Stork.  5 Hryven
Монета України – Чорнобиль. Відродження. Лелека чорний (н)
5 гривень

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About  coin -  an original booklets.


Year of issue:           2024                                                                                    

Metal:                        german silver

Weight:                     16.54 g

Diameter:                  35 mm

Issue limit:                20000 pcs

Quality:                     special uncirculated



The commemorative coin is dedicated to a rare bird that has become one of the original symbols of the revival of life in the Chornobyl zone - the black stork. The 30-kilometer exclusion zone and the unconditional resettlement zone, where the Chornobyl Radiation and Ecological Biosphere Reserve has been located since April 26, 2016, have become a kind of reserve for breeding not only common but also rare Red Data Book representatives of the flora and fauna, including the black stork. Thanks to the preservation of the environment in the Chornobyl zone, the bird's population is growing. This indicates the restoration of the region's ecosystem and the fact that the reserve is becoming a center of biodiversity even in the face of radiation contamination.

The obverse of the coin features the small State Emblem of Ukraine (above), the inscriptions: UKRAINE (below the emblem), the face value of the coin - 5 / UAH (to the right of the emblem); in the center is a symbolic wheel of life, which marks the revival of nature: The stylized international sign "Radiation Threat", surrounded by foliage, with animals whose populations are developing in the 30-kilometer exclusion zone, which has become a kind of breeding reserve, including the black stork, Przewalski's horse, lynx, bison, elk, brown bear; in a circle, on a mirror background, the inscription: CHERNOBYL RADIATION AND ECOLOGICAL BIOSPHERE RESERVE (left), CHORNOBYL RADIATION AND ECOLOGICAL BIOSPHERE RESERVE; the logo of the National Bank of Ukraine Mint (above); minting year 2024 (below).


The reverse of the coin depicts a black stork against a landscape (tampon printing was used), above which on the left on a mirror background are the inscriptions: STAR / BLACK / CICONIA NIGRA; above are chicks in a nest.

Artist: Natalia Fandikova

Sculptor: Anatoliy Demyanenko, Volodymyr Demyanenko

Edition (announced / actual), pcs.: 20000/20000

Weight, g: 16.54