Kyiv-19 It is a small format SLR camera of the TTL system with semi-automatic exposure setting

Lens mount Kyiv-19 - N mount. Working distance - 46.5 mm. Blinking aperture supported. There is a repeater.

The standard Kyiv-19 lens is MS Helios-81N 2/50.

The shutter is mechanical, lamella with vertical movement of two pairs of metal lamellas. Selects shutter speeds: 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/250, 1/500, V.

Zenit-19 has a wider range, there is also 1 and 1/1000. But then, Kyiv-19 works without batteries. It only needs electricity in TTL measurements. The shutter is non-volatile.

In 1985, for the average Soviet user, a shutter speed of 1/1000 was not critically important, of course, but, nevertheless, with 1/500 you cannot be a confident flagship.

Kyiv-19 flash synchronization is 1/60 (Zenit-19 in models from 1983-84 has 1/125).

The camera is equipped with hot and wired sync contacts.

Kyiv-19 lost its self-timer in the name of economy.

The size of the viewfinder image field is 23×35 mm, the viewing area of the viewfinder covers 93% of the frame area

The type of focusing screen is a Fresnel lens with a matte ring, a microraster and Doden wedges (at the release part).

The weight of my copy without lens is 705 grams

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