For Sale: Tyranids from the 10th Edition Boxset

These models are built and fully painted, with a varnish applied.

Included is:

1 x Winged Tyranid Prime
1 x Neurotyrant
1 x Screamer-Killer
3 x Von Ryan's Leapers
20 x Termagants
2 x Rippers
1 x Neurogaunt unit (11 models)
1 x Barbgaunts unit (5 models)
1 x Psychophage

These are all the models in the 10th edition boxset that forms the Tyranid army.

Please see my other listed items, for a variety of Warhammer models, including Space Marines, Custodians, Death Guard and Tyranids I am reluctantly selling.

From Games Workshop:
Tyranids are a voracious alien swarm invading the galaxy from beyond the void. Guided by the Hive Mind, they have one terrible purpose – to devour every last shred of biomass, reconstituting it into even more powerful biomorphs and repeating the nightmarish cycle anew on the next world in their path.