Bound volume of Harper's Weekly from the 4 core months of the Spanish-American war, from announcement to bombardment to surrender: issues of May 7th, 1898 through August 13th, 1898. 378 pages, weekly issues, with their Supplements which are fairly scarce to encounter now. Two of the supplements in this volume are in full color and are shown in  the pics.

This volume has many double page views in this volume by Frederick Remington, who traveled with the military, and his on the spot drawings are quite stunning.

There is also an issue showing Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders before they stormed San Juan Hill, which is also covered in these issues.

The US declared war on April 25th, 1898, and this May 7th issue starts with the vast recruitment and continues through the battles of July 1-7, including San Juan Hill (look for "The Storming of San Juan'' by Frederick Remington showing Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders in a great double page engraving in the pics on this listing). and the destruction of the Spanish fleet at Santiago Bay, Cuba, on July 17th. There is also another very important Frederick Remington double-page engraving of the US Colored Cavalry at Tampa, Florida doing maneuvers.

The last issue of August 13th details the impending Protocol of Peace treaty between the US and Spain as well as the fleet taking off for Manila in the Philippines.

Issues in very good condition, binding excellent, a seminal 4 months of Harper's Weekly covering the core of the Spanish-American war.