Where the Trail Ends is a film following the worlds top freeride mountain bikers as they search for unridden terrain around the globe, ultimately shaping the future of big mountain freeriding. This unparalleled story documents mans challenge of mother nature and himself showcased through a cast of colorful characters. This is the most progressive and ambitious mountain biking ever attempted resulting in an entertainment adventure unlike anything experienced before.

Riding locations: Argentina, British Columbia, Utah, Nepal, Gobi Desert

Athletes - Darren Berrecloth, Cameron Zink, Kurtis Sorge, James Doerfling, Andreu Lacondeguy, Robbie Bourdon, Tyler McCaul, Paul Basagoitia, Kyle Strait, Cameron McCaul, Mike Kinrade, Garett Buehler.

Run Time - 85 Mins + 44 minute Action Highlights cut, including all of the best riding from the film, with additional athletes and action shots + Director's commentary.