
Probing Zurich (Pamphlet: Publikationsreihe des Instituts für Landschaftsarchitektur ILA, ETH Zürich) - Professur für Landschaftsarchitektur Christophe Girot ETH Zürich (Hg )

Art Nr.: 3856764372

ISBN 13: 9783856764371

B-Nr: INF1000370736

Subtitle: Pamphlet 26, Publikationsreihe des Instituts für Landschaftsarchitektur ILA, ETH Zürich

Serie: 26

Release year: 2022

Published by: Gta Verlag

Edition: paperback

Cover: paperback

Cover Format: 230x150x0

Pages: 88

Weight: 161 g

Language: Englisch

Author: Professur für Landschaftsarchitektur Christophe Girot ETH Zürich (Hg )

Gebraucht - Sehr gut Retoure aus dem Handel mit mittleren Transportmängeln. Buch ist als Mängelexemplar gekennzeichnet. Rechnung liegt bei.

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This issue of Pamphlet deals with the perception, visualization, and representation of distinct parts of Zurich and offers different ways of representing the city - both above ground and underground - by analyzing five unique sites, each of which represents a multifaceted, layered and spatially complex system: the ETH main building, Zurich main station, the Jelmoli department store, the Sihl River, and the Schanzengraben and adjacent Old Botanical Garden. Each site is approached from two perspectives: the visual aesthetic perspective of student works that accurately visualize the site through point cloud modelling and the perspective of experts who have a special relation to the site or knowledge of the applied methods and technologies, thus contributing insights from urban history, city planning, architecture, and landscape architecture.


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