The Mysterious Traveler Mystery Reader is a digest-sized magazine that ran for five issues from Grace Publishing in 1952. It is a spin-off of the 1943–1952 radio show The Mysterious Traveler. The magazine includes stories in fantasy, science fiction, and crime dramas. Previous to this issue it was simply called The Mysterious Traveler Magazine


"Red Wine" by Lawrence Blochman
"The Nine-Mile Walk" by Harry Kemmelman
"Adventure of the Sotheby Salesman" by August Derleth
"The Weeping Woman" by John West (Robert Arthur)
"Women Are Poison" by Brett Halliday
"A Very Neat Corpse" by Alan Bird
"Christmas Present" by The Mysterious Traveler (Robert Arthur)
"Midnight Visit" by Robert Arthur
"No Bath for the Browns" by Margot Bennet
"The Whistling Room" by William Hope Hodgson
"The Crowd" by Ray Bradbury
"Later Than You Think" by The Mysterious Traveler (Robert Arthur)