Liechtenstein Brochures about the Stamps Issues in 1983:
March 7th: 43 pages. Issues: - Europa: Notker Balbulus of St. Gall - Hildegard von Bingen - Shrovetide and Lenten Customs: Carnival - Shrove Tuesday - Bonfire Sunday.
June 6th: Landscapes by Anton Ender: Schaan - Steg - Balzers - International Campaigns, Anniversaries and Year Themes: Protection of Shores and Riverbanks, Aviation Bicentenary, World Communication Year, Humanitarian Aid.
September 5th: Prince Franz Josef II and Princess Gina of Liechtenstein - Pope John Paul II
December 5th: Christmas: Holy Family - Baby Jesus - Three Magi (Three Kings) - Winter Olympic Games Sarajevo 1984
In German, French and English. Published in Vaduz.In perfect condition.