These are not your typical Yamaha NS-10M speakers. They were imported directly from Japan a few years ago and have been heavily modified. The crossovers are completely rebuilt with super high quality audiophile-grade components. 


The parts for the new crossovers costed 270£: Jantzen Cross Caps, Jantzen Silver Z-caps, Mundorf M-Resist Wire-wound Resistors, 2mm thick multi-strand pure copper wire (woofer), PTFE multi-strand silver plated copper wire (tweeter), AG silver plated medium binding posts, Mundorf 3.8% silver/gold solder.

Part of the mods included replacing all the wiring, binding posts, and caps in the crossovers with super premium components only found in crossovers of 10,000£ speakers. All the materials used included pure copper and pure silver. Even the solder that was used is made from silver. NO MAGNETIC MATERIALS WERE USED! The mods also included a few carefully selected wire-wound resistors (not present in the original crossovers) to flatten the frequency response of the speakers. 


These genuinely sound like the best pair of Yamaha NS-10M speakers I've ever heard, and I've heard a few of them! They will wipe the floor with the so called NS-10M "Studio" version. I'm a professional studio engineer and I've used NS10s for many years in high-end studios. These are different!

Their frequency response, dynamics, stereo image, soundstage, and instrument separation is greatly improved! We're not talking about 5-10% difference here. The change is actually huge. I had the pleasure of comparing them to unmodded NS10s in the experience was jaw-dropping. Their sound is now very pleasing. Most of all - the awful mid-range spike around 1kHz is now gone and they sound flat and well balanced. Gorgeous speakers to mix on. Very honest reproduction of music. No fatigue! They still have the classic NS10 sound - super tight and fast response with the midrange being in focus, but without all the nasty harsh resonances of the original crossover. The original speakers were heavily coloured-sounding and were tonally incorrect, as all other NS-10s. The tonality of these is sublime.

You are welcome to come and test them, but I guarantee you will most likely never hear another pair of NS-10s sound that good. Probably because nobody is crazy enough to install such crossovers in them.

If you want me to mod your existing NS-10s - please get in touch!


STANDS - one thing to remember is these speakers were designed for BOOKSHELVES! That is significant, because they should not be placed on regular speaker stands for studio monitors, but on big heavy wooden stands, or bookshelves without ANY foam or padding under the speakers. You want a bookshelf to resonate with them so you can get that lovely low-end and low-mids. They will not resonate like modern speakers that have tons of low-end. They will rather just thicken up the sound in a very pleasing way. That's why in professional studios they sit on the meter bridge of large consoles. These consoles resonate like bookshelves.

That is precisely why I'm using them with these wooden stands. You are welcome to have the stands for free, as they were made for these speakers, but ONLY for collection! I will not post the stands!

The mods included premium silver plated binding posts that accept banana plugs, bare wire, and other hooks. Much easier to connect with a much more reliable connection for the optimal sound transfer!

AMPLIFICATION - I'm currently powering them with a NAD C325BEE, also modded but fairly cheap. The NS-10s benefit from good amps though. The better the amp - the better they sound. I've seen colleagues power them with 5-6,000£ power amps and they make a huge difference. Some of those darker-sounding amps have a similar effect to NS-10s as my mods did, but not as dramatic. If you can't afford super high quality amps - my crossover mods will make these NS-10s sound very good even with cheaper amps. If you can afford them - even better. One thing to keep in mind - these speakers love high wattage amps. The more - the better!