April 2007 issue of Wired Magazine with Jenna Fischer as The Office receptionist Pam Beesly on the cover with headline "Get Naked and Rule the World"

Features inside include:

 - Shot Spotter (After 148 homicides in Oakland, CA a network of hidden mics detects gunfire on the city's streets, triangulates the location and instantly alerts police.) - By Ethan Watters

- Mixed Feelings (See with your tongue.  Navigate with your skin.  How researchers are tapping the plasticity of the brain to hack our five senses - and give us a few new ones.)  - By Sunny Rains

- Q&A: Robert Rodriguez (The outlaw film director on resurrecting the grindhouse genre.) - By Robert La Franco

- Game Faces (What we look like when we're in the grip of the Xbox: a portrait gallery) - photographs by Phillip Toledano

- The Power of Babble (MIT researcher Deb Roy is videotaping everyy minute of his infant son's first three yeyars.  His master plan: to teach a robot to talk) - By Jonathon Keats

And the Wired 40 - 10th annual list of the most innovative companies in the world.  Plus: Who slid off the list. Trends from universal broadband to cloud computing, 6 trends for 2007; Radical transparency - Fire the publicist!  Let the workers blog! Exposing your soul is the clear path to success by Clive Thompson; Case Study: Microsoft - How the famously. stealthy company finally opened up.  By Fred Vogelstein; Case Study Dunder Mifflin - What we can learn about transparency from The Office, by Scott Brown