This iPhone is in rough shape but still turns on. The find my phone has been turned off and the phone is completely cleared. It was my daughter’s and after multiple events the following happened.

- battery life span was short so I replaced with a new battery from Amazon (no issues and battery life span is good as new again )

- but to replace the battery, I had to remove the screen which already had cracks and now has even more cracks

- I bought a replacement screen and fixed it but after a week someone ran into her in the school hallway and essentially shattered that screen so I put the original back in

- upon disassembly and replacement, something happened to the microphone. You can hear fine but no one can hear you. We got around this by using a headset for a few days.

I’m done fooling with this one so use it with all of its “quirks”, tear it apart for spare parts, or fix it yourself…but know what you are getting into.

Relisting same auction as continue to get bids from non-paying bidders.