Through careful research, I've come to believe that this card was made by the Nestlé corporation for products sold in the Latin American market, particularly in 🇧🇷 Brazil

This card is INSANELY rare and absent from nearly all advanced Pelé collections.

The last time that I looked up the population,, the combined population from every grading company in every grade was either three of four, and this one is certainly NOT the lowest grade.

While SGC only gave it a 3, looking at it under correct lighting and with an 8x loupe, I'm completely clueless as to why it's not at LEAST double the assigned grade. Obviously, there's no creases, wrinkles, surface flaws, or anything of that sort.

We owned the one other SGC 3, but on that one, the centering was CLEARLY off. This one IS very well centered.

As I so often try to impress upon people,

Buy the CARD and not merely the label