STEREOVIEW with caption: "1719. Docking the China, Hunters Point Dry Dock." 

At left side of mount: "Taber PACIFIC COAST VIEWS. NO. 8 MONTGOMERY STREET, Opposite Palace and Grand Hotels, SAN FRANCISCO." At right side of mount: "Photographic Views of California, Oregon, and the Pacific Coast generally- embracing Yosemite, Big Trees, Geysers, Mount Shasta, Mining, City, etc., etc. Views made to order in any part of the State or Coast. 

This view was originally taken by Carleton Watkins. Isaiah W. Taber bought and then published Watkins' 'Old Series' negatives under his own name. See information below. 

SIZE. Approximately 3 1/2 x 6 15/16 inches.

CONDITION. Left side: Very light soiling. Scuffing is apparent when tilted. Right side: Light soiling. Scuffing is apparent when tilted. Mount: Wear around edges and at corners. Some soiling on front. Soiling and scuffing on back.

APPEARANCE. Very good tones. Very good depth of field. Excellent composition.  


WATKINS AND TABER. "As a result of the financial panic of 1873 Waktins lost control of his 'Old Series' negatives to creditor J.J. Cook.  The negatives passed to San Francisco photographer I.W. Taber who published them under his own name without credit to Watkins.  The Taber prints generally kept the same titles as Watkins.  There are occasional differences in cropping of the images." (source: The Photographs of Carleton Watkins website)


"In 1875, financial troubles and a nationwide economic slump caused Watkins to lose his studio in San Francisco, his gallery in Yosemite, and the entire collection of what is now known as his “Old Series” negatives. His business was sold to Isaiah W. Taber, who continued to print these negatives under his own studio imprint." (source: The Oregon Historical Society website)