New In Box! This Defender Heavy Warjack is ready to add to your Cygnar army with all it's bits still in it's bubble pack. Fight on!

"The Cygnaran Armory takes pride in its innovation and technological superiority, traits seen in all the battle-tested warjacks built on the classic Ironclad chassis. The Defender employs its long, heavy barrel cannon for unprecedented long-range and accurate firepower without sacrificing its effectiveness in melee."

"The Defender is heavy jack, boasting a high-powered gun with near-unparalleled range, and a melee weapon, which is quite dangerous with its cortex damage. This jack almost always ends up compared to the Hunter, Cygnar's other long-range jack. 

Overall, the Defender is much more resilient, and better at dealing damage against targets with ablative protection (Buckler, Shield, spells, etc), while the Hunter is good against naturally very high ARM targets (they tie against ARM 18-19). The Hunter beats the Defender in mobility, and flexibility in positioning, but cannot compete with it in melee. Superior range in SR2017 scenarios is a debatable advantage due to the increased number of terrain pieces"