For some, it will be during daylight. For those on the other side of the world, it will happen at night. It will be an event of shocking magnitude.

The event is the Rapture, during which hundreds of millions of Christians will disappear off the face of the earth, as Christ returns and takes them up to Heaven.

This event will be preceded by many things that we see happening in our day: the alignment of nations against Israel, the unification of Europe, power consolidating around petroleum, and the rise of radical Islam. The event will be followed by the most tumultuous period in earth's history - the Tribulation, which will then be succeeded by the peaceful time of the Millennium.

In this series, Dr. David Jeremiah provides a map for your prophetic future, carefully studying and explaining the prophetic portions of Scripture for our understanding and encouragement.

10-Disc Set

Messages Included in series:

1.   The Israel Connection
2.   The Crude Awakening
3.   Modern Europe...Ancient Rome
4.   Islamic Terrorism
5.   Vanished Without A Trace
6.   Is America In Prophecy?
7.   When One Man Rules The World
8.   The New Axis Of Evil
9.   Arming For Armageddon
10. The Return Of The King

Discs never played.  Soft case with zipper closure.