
To be fair, please pay directly to us via bank transfer from Germany!

Manufacturer, motorcycle model, year of manufacture, type

Most parts also fit 1997-1999 and 2003-2005 but please make sure of this yourself BEFORE purchasing. We have no way to do that. 


Used, normal signs of wear, technically perfect, can be used immediately. 33tkm mileage. Please refer to the picture...

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Please send us an email if there are errors in the offer or an incorrect picture.


Errors and omissions excepted. Liability is limited to a maximum of the simple value of the goods stated here. Evidence of gross negligence is unaffected. ONLY have spare parts installed by trained specialist personnel!

Your bid

Bids are legally binding. Only bid if you want to auction or buy the item and you are sure Purchase the appropriate part. Does eBay have your current shipping address?

After your auction or your instant purchase

After your auction or immediate purchase, you will receive all the information you need to transfer the purchase amount by email.

Shipping and packaging

You can see the shipping costs for each of our offers. If you purchase multiple items, we only charge shipping costs once. Please wait to process payment until we have combined your purchases. Shipping costs exist from: postage costs, shipping materials, working hours.

delivery time

We ship no later than the 1st. Working day after receipt of money.

After receiving the goods

Your satisfaction with us and the goods is important to us! About your positive review We are pleased with 5 stars in Allen categories. If there is reason for a complaint, please contact us before the evaluation. We are always interested in working together with our customers to find a fair solution.


If you have to complain about an item, please send us an email with the relevant description of the error. You will get response as soon as possible. At If shipping damage occurs, you must always request a damage report from the delivery person!

You can see the shipping costs for each of our offers. If you purchase multiple items, we only charge shipping costs once. Please wait to process payment until we have combined your purchases. Shipping costs exist from: postage costs, shipping materials, working hours. Your satisfaction with us and the goods is important to us! About your positive review We are pleased with 5 stars in Allen categories. If there is reason for a complaint, please contact us before the evaluation. We are always interested in working together with our customers to find a fair solution. If you have to complain about an item, please send us an email with the relevant description of the error. You will get response as soon as possible. At If shipping damage occurs, you must always request a damage report from the