A Condensed History of

The 56th Regiment

New York Veteran Volunteer Infantry

Which was A Part of

The Organization Known As the

“Tenth Legion”

In the Civil War 1861-1865


Together with a Register or Roster of all the Members of

The Regiment, and the War Record of Each Member


By Joel C. Fisk & William H.D. Blake,

Members of the Regiment; Published 1906

424 pages, Illustrated, Indexed, Searchable



- Bonus –

History of the

27th Regiment, NY Volunteers

Being A Record of Its More Than Two Years

Of Service In the War for the Union

Compiled By D. B. Fairchild, Co. D, 1888

303 pages, Illustrated, Indexed, Searchable

- Bonus #2 –

The Recruiting Areas

of the New York Civil War Regiments

 By D. B. Fairchild, Co. D, 1888

32 pages, Searchable



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“This work is dedicated to the surviving members of the 56th Regiment, New York Veteran Volunteers and their immediate relatives. It is fondly hoped that it will prove to be of great interest and a source of enjoyment to them. It required much research and

labor to acquire all the data, and while a small portion is made from memory, all the material portion has been compiled from official records and memoranda made at the time of occurrence or directly

thereafter, and is undoubtedly correct.”






CHAPTER I Page 11.

Organization of the Tenth Legion by Charles H. Van Wyck, Congress-

man — His Appointment and Commission as Colonel — Camp Van

Wyck— Life in Camp— Captain A. Van Home Ellis the Regimental

Instructor— Health of Men Fairly Good.



Departure from Camp Van Wyck— Arrival in New York City— Beautiful

Banner Presented to the Regiment by "The Sons of Orange and Sul-

livan "—It was Carried All Through The War— The Trip to Wash-

ington—Hazardous March Through Baltimore— In Camp at Kalorama

Heights— Camp on the Banks of Rock Creek— Carver Barracks De-

scribed — A Famous Dog.



March Through Washington— Trip Down the Potomac— First Experience un-

der Fire— Arrival at Newport News— Camp in Front of Yorktown— First

Battle Engaged in by the Regiment— Battle of Williamsburgh— Naglee's

Brigade— Bottoms Bridge— White Oak Swamp Creek— Carter's Hill-

Visited by President Lincoln— Hooker's Advance on Malvern Hill— First

to Cross the Chickahominy.


CHAPTER IV p,g,38.

Gen. Naglee's Brigade About Yorktown— Raid to Gloucester, Kings and

Queens Counties— Foraging Expedition— Journey to Morehead City, N.

C— Rough Experience on Vessel in Storm— Arrival at Morehead City,

N. C. — Capture of Kniston — Camp at Newbern — Gen. Naglee Ceased to

Command— Gen. Naglee's Final Order to the Regiment.


CHAPTER V Page 45.

Trip to Port Royal Hartor, S. C— Camp on St. Helena Island— Trip to Sea-

brook Island— Various Attacks on that Island— Experience with Snakes

and Reptiles— Capture of Works on South End of Morris Island— Re-

pulse Georgia Troops — In Camp on Folly Island.



Embarked for Beaufort — Few Members Fit for Duty — Picket Duty on St.

Helena and Ladies Island — Visits With Rebel Pickets — Regiment Veter-

anized in February, 1864 — On Veteran Furlough — Return — In Command

of Lieut. Col. Tyler — Regiment Recruited.



Journey from Beaufort to Johnij;. Island — Aground in Edisto Inlet — Most Try-

ing and Severe March of the War— Many Sunstrokes — Two Colored

Soldiers Mutilated by Rebel Guerrillas — ^Two Mounted Aids Fired at by

Colored Troops — Bivouac on Matthew's Plantation — -A Surgeon's Mis-

take in Answering a Challenge — Attacked by the Enemy — Demoralized

Them — Return to Old Camp at Beaufort After Successful Expedition —

Assisted in Siege of Charleston.


CHAPTER VIII ....Page 57.

Bid Good-ibye to Old Beaufort — -Journey to Morris Island — 'Camp on Morris

Island — Experience in Camp beyond adequate description — Under Fire

from Rebel Batteries all the Time — Much Disease and Many Deaths —

Regiment Speedily Reduced in Num'liers — Regiment Recruited — Order to

Make Demonstration in Aid of General Sherman.



Left Morris Island When Dark via Steamer — Aground in Broad River — Ar-

rival at Boyd's Point — ^March Toward Honey Hill — Opened on by Rebel

Battery — Several Killed and Wounded — Fierce and Bloody Battle — Regi-

ment Loses 50 Killed and Wounded — -Failed to Dislodge Enemy — Troops

Fell Back — ^Capture of Cattle and Sheep — Seized Position Under Heavy

Fire — ^Attacked by Eneni}— Fierce and Bloody Struggle — Rebels Re-

pulsed — ^Capture the Battle Colors of 5th Georgia Regiment — ^Col. Van

Wyck Arrives from the North — -Packages Received from Home — Slash-

ing Through Woods — Savannah Captured — Advance in Woods to Ascer-

tain Enemy's Strength — Captain Cox Shot — Shelled by Enemy's Battery,

but Shells do not Explode — Destruction of Charleston and Savannah

Railroad — Take Possession of Fort Coosawhatchie — Successful Foraging

Expedition — Visit from Gen. Wm. T. Sherman and Gen. O. O. Howard

— ^Col. Van Wyck Assumes Command of a Brigade — Captain Calkins

Presented with Watch — Description of Pocataligo — ^Cross the Combahee

River — ^Cross South Edisto River — Enter Charleston—Account of Awful

Havoc done in that City — Pursuit of Hardee's Forces — Taken to Mount

Pleasant — Five Companies Sent to Georgetown, S. C. — " Kingsville Ex-



CHAPTER X.. Page 74.

Expedition to Kingsville — Encountered the Enemy — Rebels Slowly and Sul-

lenly Retire — -Heavy Rain Storm — Continuous Fighting Every Day —

Stern, Earnest War — Sleep Under DiilSculties — Enemy in Force — Capture

of Guns at Dingle's Mill — The Fall of Petersburgh and Richmond Pro-

claimed — Capture of Battery Flag by L. Coe Young — Plea from Col.

Rhrett to Stop Advance — Advance Postponed — Gen. Potter's Orders No.

3 — 'Saluite Fired from Guns Taken at Dingle's Mills in Honor of Vic-

tories — Kingsville Reached — Plenty to Eat — Printing a Newspaper — Ex-

tracts from the Paper.



Order to Take Captured Guns to West Point — Taken to Washington's Head-

quarters, Newburgh — Trace of them Lost by the War Department — Law

Passed Allowing them to Remain There.





Headquarters at Mount Pleasant— Rations Issued to Refugees— Flag Raising

at Fort Sumter — Reconstruction Business — Contraband Property Sold.—

Journey to Summerville — Command Turned Over to Col. Van Wyck—

Arrival of the Paymaster — March to Newberry — -Accused of Damaging

Institute Building— System of Military Regulations— Trials Before Col.

Van Wyck — A Few of the Orders in Connection with Trials of Offenders

— Trip to the Village of Chester — Orders Received to be Mustered Out.



Regiment Relieved from Reconstruction Duty — Return to Charleston — Pre-

paring for Muster-out — Permission Granted to Take Regiment to New

York to Await Discharges — The Start North — Arrival at New York —

Quartered in Battery Barracks — Absent Without Leave — Papers Arrive

— Transferred to Hart's Island — Members Receive Honorable Discharge

• — A Last Farewell — List of Engagements.



Reminiscences — Col. Van Wyck Knows a Good Watch — Queer Old Darkey—

A Captain's Discomfiture — The Colonel Gives Good Advice — A Speech

that Lasted Two Years — The Chaplain in an Engagement — Colonel Van

Wyck Disconcerted While Delivering an Address — The Colonel's Cook

Loses a Goose — Charley Van Wyck's Chicken Thieves Get Away With

General Naglec's Ducks.



Index 397-424

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