warhats british helmet stencils

There are no disallowed symbols on display nor do I support any Ebay disallowed organisation. Quote from Ebays rules for ALLOWED postings: * WWII memorabilia that does not bear the Nazi or SS markings. I will send this item to USA, Europe and worldwide, so please feel free to buy! Note for Ebay Trust & Safety: This is a British WW2 Helmet stencil and is 100% Allowed on Ebay - Please DO NOT REMOVE

WW2 British 8th Army Helmet stencil Template

You are buying a decal template that can be used on WWII British Helmets to create the insignia for the British 8th Army also know as the Desert Rats. It measures 5cm x 5cm square.

The Eighth Army was one of the best-known formations of the British Army during World War II, fighting in the North African and Italian campaigns. It was a British formation, and was always commanded by British generals. Its personnel came from throughout the British Empire and Commonwealth, complemented by units composed of exiles from Nazi-occupied Europe. Subordinate units came from Australia, British India, Canada, Free French Forces, Greece, New Zealand, Poland, Rhodesia, South Africa and the United Kingdom. Significant formations which passed through the Army included: British V Corps, X Corps, XIII Corps, XXX Corps, I Canadian Corps, Polish II Corps.

The stencil is made from very high quality acrylic vinyl with tacky backing, which in layman's terms means its re-usable! It is being sold to do one helmet, however, we have been using one of these stencils on many helmets and it is still going strong. This stencil allows you to hand paint the black background and the red rat. You will still need to hand paint the white outline but this is pretty straightforward for most people given that all you need do is paint round the outline of the desert rat! It is therefore not suitable for spray painting. This is a hand paint stencil and not a transfer, the majority of British helmets had hand painted decals during WW2.

Full details on how to use the decal will be sent to the winning buyer via a email link!

Like all of our items 100% money back on the decal, if returned and in this case prior to it being used of course!

The helmet in the picture is not for sale but shows the decal in use and freshly applied (un-aged)! Why try to make your own stencil when this one will do several helmet decals, share it amongst your re-enactment unit

8th Army WW2 Desert Rat 7th Armoured Div
8th Army WWII Desert Rat 7th Armoured Div

German: Sie sind auf einem Helm Schablone Bieten. Der Helm ist nicht zum Verkauf. Die Schablone oder Vorlage wird verwendet, um dazu beitragen, die militärische Einheit Markierungen auf dem Helm. Es kann mehrmals verwendet werden.

French: Vous offrez sur un pochoir du casque. Le casque n'est pas à vendre. Le pochoir ou modèle est utilisé pour aider à créer des marques d'unité militaire sur le casque. Il peut être utilisé plusieurs fois.

Italian: State offrendo su uno stencil casco. Il casco non è in vendita. Lo stencil o modello viene utilizzato per contribuire a creare le marcature di unità militari sul casco. Può essere utilizzato più volte.

Russian: Вы предлагаете цену на шлеме трафарет.Шлем не продается.Трафарет или шаблон используется, чтобы помочь создать военный блок маркировка на шлеме. Он может быть использован многократно.