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Product Description
Liner Note Author: Tony Rounce.
The Shirelles' fifth and sixth albums are combined onto one CD with this 2009 reissue, with the addition of historical liner notes. In keeping with the rest of Ace's extensive series of Shirelles two-fers, it's the kind of thing where the best tracks have long been cherrypicked for numerous Shirelles compilations, which are by far the best way for most fans to hear the group. As 1963 LPs went, however, they weren't bad, even if certain tracks stuck out as by far the best of the lot. On the first of these records to be issued that year, FOOLISH LITTLE GIRL, the undisputed highlight, is the great and fetching title track, their last big hit. The rest of the LP contained an erratic mix of quick-paced, R&B-inclined tunes and generally more satisfying slower pop/rockers. In retrospect, the Shirelles might have been starting to flounder a little stylistically with the subsequent IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD, starting with the showbizzy title track (intended but not used as the theme for the hit movie of the same name), which nonetheless has some goofy charm. The album largely consists of decent to fair late-era girl group-styled tunes, with an occasional dance-party-themed bag throw in.