Introducing Immune Support from Wotzinurfood, to boost your immune system and help you fight off many ailments associated with a compromised immune system.

Paprika is an excellent spice for skin, hair and nails and being very rich in Vitamin B6. Naturally rich in Vitamins and Minerals, it is beneficial as an anti inflammatory agent, helps lower blood pressure and helps fight lethargy and depression, boosting the immune system. Being high in Vitamin A, paprika plays an important role in maintaining good eyesight, aiding digestion and promoting good sleep patterns. It helps in the prevention of heart disease, anaemia, bone disease, helps with nerves and promotes all round general immune health.

Ginger is a powerhouse spice which helps the body with a multitude of problems but it is chief in maintain the immune system. Ginger helps fight off colds and flu, like Turmeric, helps fight pain and inflammation benefitting those with forms of arthritis, it boost the circulation and helps reduce period pains and headaches. Ginger is excellent in soothing the stomach and is used for many ailments like IBS, wind, stomach cramps, diarrhoea, spasms and even ulcers without the need of drugs. It has been shown to benefit the reduction of blood sugar therefore aiding diabetic symptoms, lower cholesterol levels and has also been associated with the prevention of Alzheimer's Disease.

Cinnamon has been found to be a very good anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory. It is also good for controlling blood sugar, candida, stomach bugs, irritable bowel. Also, it has been found to reduce tumours, is anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and anti-fungal. It is helpful in reducing weight, lowering cholesterol, fighting ecoli, tooth decay, colds and flu, menopause and PMS, as well as depression and ADHD.

Black pepper contains a good amount of minerals like potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, iron, and magnesium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase. Iron is essential for cellular respiration and blood cell production. It has also been found that piperine can increase absorption of selenium, B-complex vitamins, beta-carotene, and turmeric, as well as other nutrients from the food.

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory and a very strong antioxidant. It fights free radical build up in the body, and boosts the activity of the body’s own antioxidant enzymes. It boosts endothelial function, which helps fight against heart disease, and regulates blood pressure, blood clotting and various other factors. It has been effective in the fight against tumours, and with the help of black pepper and cinnamon, controls and may reverse the free radicals that may lead to certain cancers. It can also help with arthritis and joint pain, and fight against depression and ADHD.

We have also added our Vitamin C mix to help boost the ingredients, and give protection against additional health problems. 100mg provides 100% of the RDA of Vitamin C. Ii is a high strength Vitamin C with Organic Acerola Cherry powder from Brazil, Cinnamon from Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Coriander Leaf from Morocco, and Dulse and Rose Hips from Ireland, this mix provides 1450% of RDA in Vitamin C, 17% of RDA in Magnesium and other Vitamins and Minerals, including Manganese to help absorb the most Vitamin C into the body.

Do not take if allergic to any ingredients. Packed on premises that handle gluten, tree nuts, sesame, soya, peanuts. Take care if pregnant or lactating. 50 capsules 00 size. This is for a Kraft Refill