Royal king  DRIED LOTUS SEEDS 蓮子 10 oz  Lotus Seeds are the seeds of Lotus / Water lily, 100% Natural - no bleaching, or no coloring

Lotus seeds are the seeds of plants in the genus Nelumbo, particularly the species Nelumbo nucifera. It is of great importance to East Asian cuisine and are used extensively in traditional Chinese medicine and desserts. It is low in saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium, and are a good source of protein, thiamin, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and manganese.

There are two types of dried lotus seeds can be found commercially; brown peel and white. The former is harvested when the seed head of the lotus is ripe or nearly ripe and the latter is harvested when the seed head is still fully green but with almost fully developed seeds. White lotus seeds are de-shelled and de-membraned. At harvest, the bitter-tasting germ of most seeds is removed using a hollow needle. Brown peel lotus seeds are brown because the ripened seed has adhered to its membrane. The germ of these hard seeds is removed by cracking the seeds in half.

The brown type we are listing here is natural color unlike the white type which could be bleached with toxic chemicals before selling in the market.

Lotus sees are believed to clear the heat (清熱) and be particularly nutritious and restorative to one's health, which may explain their prevalence in Chinese cuisine.The bitter dried germ of the lotus seed is sold as a restorative herbal tea (蓮子心茶)

Storage Conditions:

Clean, Ventilating, Dry Place.

Health Benefits and Therapeutic Uses of Lotus Seed

Lotus seeds are popular for their nutritional benefits and healing properties. They are commonly used in Chinese medications and also in various recipes. Lotus seeds contain L-isoaspartyl methyltransferase, an enzyme with anti-ageing properties. It is known to help in repairing damaged proteins. The seeds contain kaempferol, a flavonoid known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is known to help in repairing aging gum tissue. 

You are highly recommended to consult your health care adviser prior to ingesting.