350CP,500CP Glass Globe/Chminey liquid fuel pressure lantern. 

Brand new, no blemishes!

Will work in most every 500CP and 350CP lamps see some here Petromax, Hipolito, Geniol, Aida, BriteLyt,Butterfly,Wenzel,Egret Brand,Sea Anchor,American Camper,& other models of Pressurized lanterns.

Great for a backup globe/Chimney.

Works on all 500CP and 350CP lanterns, can be used in a 2 burner Coleman lantern.

Resistance to Heat: min. 350 centigrade
Annealing temperature 560-620 centigrade
Weight approx: ½ Pound
Thickness Approx: 2mm
Size D110 mm x H115 mm or in inch's 4.334D inch X 4.531H inch