In Chinese Medicine, mung beans are described as a nutritious food and medicine for the body. It is also a great detox food that helps clear heat and toxins from the body, thereby helping treat acne and promote clear skin from within. In India, mung bean which is popularly known as green gram or mung dal, has been used since ancient times for skin and hair cleansing by first grinding it into a fine powder. Just like gram flour, mung bean powder is used as a natural and effective non-foaming soap which can safely be used for people with sensitive skin and inflammatory skin conditions like eczema.

You can DIY make your own mung bean face mask solutions for acne-free, wrinkle-free and clear skin!

Usage: 20-40%

Here are some tips:

It can just be used alone as a facia scrub, or for facial mask, add the mung bean powder with a liberal amount of water to get a thick paste. Make sure you use the right amount of water because too much water will make the face mask very drippy. Using clean fingertips, rub the thick face mask onto your skin in gentle circular motions. Leave it on until it dries up and rinse off with warm water first, to loosen the dried mask, and then with cold water.



1 teaspoon mung bean powder

1 ½ teaspoons green tea

bit of honey (optional)


Add mung bean powder in a small bowl and mix it with green tea to form a paste. Gently apply this paste onto your face using clean fingers. Wait for the face mask to dry up. When it dries up completely, rinse off with tepid water and pat dry.

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