Job's Tears (US) or Job's-tears (UK), scientific name Coix lacryma-jobi, also known as Coixseed, Tear Grass, Hato Mugi, Adlay or Adlai, is a tall grain-bearing tropical plant of the family Poaceae (grass family) native to Southeast Asia but elsewhere cultivated in gardens as an annual.

Our Natural Adlay powder contains rich of vitamins B1, B2 that they have functions of smoothing skin and reducing wrinkles.  It could also act as a natural antioxidant in skin care products as it moisturise the skin and eliminates the effect of pigment spots by helping the body blood circulation. 

You will get a natural whitening effect after using this powder for sometimes, as it can improve skin metabolism and prevent dry skin with its moisturising function.


Ideal for cosmetics formulation such as facial masks, scrubs, creams or sunscreens.

Usage: 10-40%

Some tips for DIY:

Add a few teaspoons to a shallow cup.

Add water until the mixture turns a paste, apply to face, avoiding eyes. If you want to use it as a straight-up cleanser, gently exfoliate with bean particles and rinse.

Let dry until hardened if you want to use it as a mask, around 10-15 minutes. Rinse off.

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