Adornville™ Brass Bezel Wire: Smooth, Malleable, and Affordable Elegance

Discover the versatility of Adornville™ Brass Bezel Wire, a wire that embodies smoothness and malleability, making it an ideal choice for your creative projects. Boasting a lustrous shade that beautifully complements the allure of 14K yellow gold, this wire offers an affordable alternative for those who desire the sophistication of gold without the hefty price tag.

Treat it with the same care as you would copper, and unlock a world of design possibilities by pairing it with copper, brass wire, BRONZclay™, bronze sheet, and findings. Crafted with a composition of 85% copper and 15% zinc, it goes by various names, including red brass, NuGold, Jeweler’s Bronze, and Merlin’s Gold.

What Sets Us Apart:

At Adornville™, our prices are competitively set, and we stand by a guarantee that ensures your satisfaction with every purchase.

Versatile Applications:

This brass wire lends itself to an array of creative projects, such as bezels, bails, forging wide-link chains, saw piercing (ideal for achieving a 3D effect), engraving, and soldering.

Effortless Ordering:

Select your desired length and quantity, and conveniently combine different lengths by adding them to your shopping cart. Complete your order by paying for all items in your cart at once.

Precision Cuts:

All our brass bezel wire comes in 5 or 10 foot lengths.
Swift Shipping: Expect your orders to be dispatched on the very next business day (excluding weekends and USA holidays). Shipping charges are calculated based on weight and distance to ensure a fair and transparent pricing structure.

Dedicated Customer Service:

We prioritize your satisfaction and are readily available to address your inquiries. Our response times are swift, typically within an hour or two during business hours. While we do respond to inquiries on weekends and evenings, response times may be slightly longer.

Brass Bezel Wire Specifications:
24 Gauge/.51mm
28 Gauge/.33mm
Width/Inches: 1/8" - 3.18mm
Width/Millimeters: 3/16" - 4.76mm
Please Keep in Mind:

Manufacturing tolerances may result in a slight variance in length or dimension when ordering wire products, so please allow for this minor variation. While we strive for precision, the provided measurements are approximations.

Our Commitment:

At Adornville™, our aim is to provide the most economically priced, highest quality products available in the market. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are dedicated to ensuring that your creative journey is both affordable and inspiring.