PRODUCT DETAILS The only patented system to virtually eliminate using a knife during wrapping and practically eliminates the possibility of cutting into a vehicle's paint Trimming is one of the most important parts of a wrap, but with traditional methods it's done at the end of the job when installers may be tired and more prone to making mistakes Using Knifeless Tape you can reposition the cut line. If you're using the knife, one bad cut can ruin a panel, forcing you to reprint, or take significant time to salvage the panel. This costs you time and money. Knifeless Tape is faster and easier that traditional trimming. On average it takes an installer one vehicle wrap to feel comfortable using the Knifeless Tape method. Many installers report using the Knifeless Tape method saves a significant amount of time. Translucent tape so you can see exactly where your line is and adjust as needed Absolutely no residue Not designed for window tint  Use Knifeless Finish Line Tape for most wrap applications.  It's conformable which makes it perfect around bumpers, door handles, mirrors Please note  the item dosnt come with original box 3m  the original box comes with 164 feet   we open the product and make it smaller for sale
you can find full roll here 164 feet