Tete Noire in Valais
Another Fine Quality Print from Martin2001

Print  Specifics:
  • Type of print: Aquatint combined with Etching - Original antique print
  • Year of printing: not indicated in the print - est 1860
  • Original artist: ---
  • Engraver: Payne
  • Publisher: Bale, Chr. Krusi, Librairie-Editeur.
  • Condition: 1 (1. Excellent - 2. Very good - 3. Good - 4. Fair)
  • Dimensions: 8.5 x 11.5 inches, including blank margins (borders) around the image.
  • Paper weight: 2 (1. Thick - 2. Heavier - 3. Medium heavy - 4. Slightly heavier - 5. Thin)
  • Reverse side: Blank

  • Green color around the print in the photo is a contrasting background on which the print was photographed.
  • 1 inch = 2,54 cm.

The scene continued to soften as we approached the Trient, which foamed along with "torrent rapture," till lost in the shades of the Tete Noire. Our path was now among shattered groves of pine, with the sun glancing through their branches, and shadows playing fitfully across the greensward. A little farther on our left, and speckling through dark foliage, the cascade of Barbelle threw up its silvery foam into the air; and, following the course of the torrent, we soon reached the frontier of the Vallais, where a small fort terminates the path. Even this remote and sequestered spot became the scene of strife and bloodshed during the French revolution. The situation is singular and picturesque.  

Entering the savage defiles of the Tete Noire, and crossing the torrent on a crazy bridge, we began to climb the magnificent rocky steeps, which, feathered with pine, towered in precipitous grandeur over our heads. Enormous masses of rock, the scattered fragments of some remote convulsion, lay piled in wild confusion; while others hung, like the sword of Damocles, suspended over our heads.

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