Essential oils

1.   Anise essential oil

Latin name: Pimpinella anisum


Application: Main areas of application are the respiratory organs and oral diseases, gastrointestinal complaints, gynaecological problems, dermatological infections, dental and oral care, as mouthwash component, nail care. It has sedative, antispasmodic and analgesic effect, at the same time it stimulates the body`s fluid production. It balances and regulates the hormone system.

Mental effects: It has a strong sedative effect, relieves anxiety, helps overcome the fluctuating state of mind.

Warning: Do not use during pregnancy. The oil does not cause skin irritation, has no phototoxic effects.

Packaging: 10 ml    

Production: The essential oil is obtained by steam distillation from the seed of the plant. Composition, active ingredients: phenylether, monoterpen alcohols, aldehyde, sesquiterpen, cumarins.


2.   Lemon essential oil


Latin name: Citrus limon

Application:  It has antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic and antipyretic effects. Because of its antipyretic effects it can be used for the treatment of colds and respiratory complaints.  It can be applied to varicose vein symptoms as well as to oily, acne-prone skin, as it has vasoconstrictor and microcirculation-enhancing abilities. Vaporized it refreshes the air of the room, deodorizes and disinfects. Besides inhalation it can also be used for face steaming (for oily skin), for refreshing aroma baths, saunas, skin nourishing, refreshing massages and baths, too. Due to its astringent and detoxifying effect it can help to reduce the symptoms of rheumatism, gout, arthritis and joint pain as well. Because of its powerful antiviral and anti-microbial effect it is widely used in medical wards and waiting rooms as well.


Mental effects: Sedative, stimulating oil. Refreshing, vivifying, reduces mental fatigue, enhances the ability to concentrate and increases the performance.

Warning: It is phototoxic, UV radiation can cause brown spots on the skin. Avoid using it directly while sunbathing or using solarium. Don’t use in hot water bath and protect from heat! Do not use undiluted!

Packaging: 10 ml

Production: Obtained with cold pressing from the almost ripe fruit`s peel.

Composition, active ingredients: limonen, citral, terpinen


3.   Citronella essential oil:

Latin name:  Cymbopogon nardus

Application: Citronella essential oil has skin soothing, skin cleansing, disinfectant and antiperspirant effect and is moreover a deodorizer and air freshener. It can also be used to treat rheumatism. It`s an anti-inflammatory, reduces spasms of the digestive tract and has a renewing effect on the digestive system. It is an insect repellent and is also effective for the treatment of insect bites.

Mental effects: It can reduce symptoms of depression and fatigue, and has a refreshing effect.

Warning: May cause irritation to sensitive skin, so make a skin test before using.

Packaging: 10 ml

Production: The essential oil is made of the leaves and stems of the plant by steam distillation.

  Composition, active ingredient:  Citronellal, geraniol, citronellol substance, citral, eugenol, limonen, cadinen, dipenten


4.   Eucalyptus essential oil

Latin name:  Eucalyptus globulus

Application: Due to its antibacterial, expectorant, antiviral and antifungal effects it can be used for a wide range of respiratory problems. Because of its anti-rheumatic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects it is recommended for the treatment of respiratory tract problems, skin infections and urinary tract related issues. It relieves breathing, therefore it is also recommended in case of respiratory complaints. Due to its cooling effect it is also widely used as a component of products used for sports injuries and musculoskeletal diseases. It relaxes the muscles and joints.

Mental effects: improves concentration and mood, reduces fatigue.

Warning: In concentrated form it can cause respiratory problems in small children, so it should be avoided.

Packaging: 10 ml

Production:  Produced by steam distillation from the plant's leaves and branches.

Composition, active ingredients: cineol, pinen, limonen, para-cimen, globulol


5.   Cinnamon essential oil


Latin name: Cinnamonum zeylanicum

Application: Because of its antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects it can be used against respiratory complaints and oral inflammation. It strengthens the immune system, has digestive and antispasmodic effects. It can be used as air-freshener and as mouthwash, too.

Mental effects: Strengthening, spirit renewing effect. It is an aphrodisiac, boosts the libido and improves sexual performance.

Warning: Avoid using it on face because it has a slightly irritating effect. Do not use during pregnancy and on young children. Do not use undiluted!

Packaging: 10ml

Production: The essential oil is obtained from the leaves and branches by steam distillation.

 Composition, active ingredients: cinnamon aldehyde, eugenol, linalol, fellandren, cimen



6.   Pine essential oil

Latin name: Pinus silvestris

Application: The essential oil can be used to treat and prevent respiratory illnesses. When inhaled it relieves breathing due to its expectorant, mucolytic and antiseptic effect. Because of its renewing and analgesic effects it can also be used to treat sports injuries. It is recommended for refreshing spas, saunas and as an air freshener. As a component of ointments and other products it can be used to treat rheumatism and arthritis.

Mental effects: It has stress-relieving and renewing effects.

Warning: The essential oil is non-toxic, non-irritating, and it does not have a phototoxic effect. Do not use during pregnancy.

Packaging: 10ml

Production: Produced by steam or dry distillation.

Composition, active ingredients: pinen, karen, cimol, kadinen, fellandren, camphor


7.   Spearmint essential oil


        Latin name: Mentha spicata

Application: Spearmint oil has antimicrobial, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, expectorant and anthelmintic effect. It has a degreasing effect if used externially. 
It is particularly used as an ingredient of digestives, oral care products and toothpastes. The cosmetic industry is mainly using it in soaps and toilet waters (perfume).
Mental effect: Renewing and refreshing effect. 
Warning: The essential oil is non-toxic, non-irritating and non-phototoxic.
Packaging: 10ml

Production: Produced by steam or dry distillation.

Composition, active ingredients: Carvone, limonene

8.   Geranium essential oil


Latin name: Pelargonium odorantissimum

Application: Has a skin soothing effect, supports regeneration and scarring of skin, and for this reason it is widely used for oily, acne-prone skin. Moreover it has astringent, diuretic, tonic and wound healing effects.
Mental effect: It can reduce depression, has soothing, refreshing, relaxing and renewing effects.
Warning: It is non-toxic, non-irritating and non-phototoxic
Packaging: 10ml

Production: Produced by steam or dry distillation.

Composition, active ingredients: geraniol, citronellol, linalool

9.   Lavender essential oil


Latin name: Lavandula angustifolia

   Application: The oil is bactericide and slightly fungicide as well, that`s why it is used to support wound healing. It is a strong antispasmodic, sedative, anti-inflammatory and cell regenerating agent. It has analgesic, febrifuge, sudorific, spasmolytic and antiseptic effects. The major areas of application are sleeping disorders, anxiety and nervousness.

Mental effect: Has refreshing, regenerative, analeptic and mood elevating effects.

Warning: Slightly irritating. It doesn`t have phototoxic effects. 

Packaging: 10ml

  Production: Produced by steam distillation.

  Composition, active ingredients: Linalyl-acetate, linalool






10.               Lavandin essential oil


Latin name: Lavandula hybrid


Application: The oil is well suited for the treatment of rheumatic pain, as it improves the blood circulation. Because it is bactericide and slightly fungicide as well, it is used to support wound healing. It is a strong antispasmodic, sedative, anti-inflammatory and cell regenerating agent. It has analgesic, febrifuge, sudorific, spasmolytic and antiseptic effects. The major areas of application are sleeping disorders, anxiety and nervousness.

Mental effect: Has refreshing, regenerative, analeptic and mood elevating effects.

Warning: Slightly irritating. It doesn`t have phototoxic effects. 

Packaging: 10ml

  Production: Produced by steam distillation.

Composition, active ingredients: Linalyl-acetate, linalool, cineol, camphor


11.              Litsea cubeba


Latin name: Litsea cubeba

Application: The oil extracted from the fruit of the plant is a very good nervous system tonic, hence it is recommended to use against depression, nervousness, anxiety and stress. It has skin toning and antiseptic effects, so it can be used for the treatment of oily, acne-prone and clogged skin, too. During respiratory infections it is recommended to vaporize it and inhale it as an additional component, because the main components of cubeba have a disinfectant and antimicrobial effect.

Mental effect: It is called the oil of peace. It is especially recommended for those who are exposed to continuous stress and would like to relax. It has antidepressant effects, too.

Warning: It can be slightly skin irritating, it does not have phototoxic effect.

Packaging: 10 ml

Production: Produced by steam distillation.

Composition, active ingredients: citrale, limonen, citronellol, linalool


12.               Orange essential oil


 Latin name: Citrus aurantium

    Application: It has antiseptic, antibacterial and digestive effects. It regulates the lymphatic system. Because of its pore astringent effect it can be used as an active ingredient in face and body creams.

    Mental effect: It has a strong sedative effect, can elevate the mood and revive the life force.

    Warning: The essential oil is non-toxic and non-irritating. Do not use while sun bathing.

    Packaging: 10 ml

    Production: Obtained by cold pressing from the almost ripe fruit`s peel.

    Composition, active ingredients: Limonen




13.               Rosemary essential oil

Latin name: Rosmarinus officinalis

Application: It has a strong antibacterial and mucus solving effect. It has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, so it can help in case of musculoskeletal complaints, rheumatic pain, arthritis, joint pains and sports injuries. It can cause plethora, can increase the blood pressure and reduce the blood sugar level. It stimulates hair growth and prevents dandruff. It increases mental acuity, therefore also concentration.

Mental effect: Because of its blood circulation improving effect it can regenerate, improve the memory, strengthen the nervous system, improve concentration and mood as well.

Warning: Avoid using it during pregnancy, in early childhood or in case of epilepsy.

Packaging: 10ml

Production: Produced by steam distillation.

Composition, active ingredients: cineol, camphor, borneon, Alpha-pinen, beta- pinen


14.              Clove essential oil

Latin name: Eugenia caryophyllata

Application:  Because of its antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal effects it can be used in case of respiratory illnesses and intestinal infections. It is a popular ingredient of mouthwash products. It is an aphrodisiac.  Because of its carminative and stomachic effects it is recommended to use in case of intestinal and urinary tract infections. It can also be used to relieve a sore throat, nausea, against distention and to alleviate toothache.

Mental effect: It has invigorating, stimulating and refreshing effects.

Warning: Non-toxic and non-phototoxic. It can be skin irritating. Do not use undiluted.

Packaging: 10ml

Production: Produced by steam distillation.

Composition, active ingredients: eugenol, eugenilacetat, izo-eugenol


15.              Tea tree essential oil

Latin name: Melaleuca alternifolia

Application: It has fungicidal, bactericidal and antiviral effects and stimulates the immune system. Because of its strong antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect it is highly recommended against respiratory complaints. Particularly suitable in case of skin injuries and skin infections (abrasion, acne or even insect bites).

Mental effect: Strengthens the spirit and has a renewing effect.

Warning: Slightly toxic, very slightly irritating, non -phototoxic.

Packaging: 10ml

Production: Produced by steam distillation.

Component, active ingredient: Gamma-terpinen, alpha-terpinen, para-cimen, terpineol,cineol.


16.               Ylang-Ylang essential oil


Latin name: Cananga odorata

Application: It is an aphrodisiac and can enhance the libido. It has strongly antiseptic, antiphlogistic, blood pressure reducing, antispasmodic and analgesic effects. It can be used to nourish and soothe dry skin, but in case of oily skin it can reduce sebum.

Mental effect: Sedative, decreases depression, refreshing, renewing.

Warning: Non-toxic, non-irritating, non-phototoxic. Not recommended in case of low blood pressure.

Packaging: 10 ml

Production: Produced by steam distillation.

Component, active ingredients:   linalool, beta-krezol, safrole, eugenol, geraniol, kadinen