Here's a unique opportunity to acquire a fabulously hand carved and painted small wooden Figure of an Old Man Lesovichok in a big Mushroom hat.

It is signed by the Russian Artist with the signature in Russian.

The Figure is 12.5 cm or near 5 inches tall.

This character has other names, such as Leshakov, forest uncle Lisunov, grandfather Treefolk, dikinky little man is just, wood, timber and other cherub. Is not it, a list of their somewhat surprising?
According to Slavic mythology, this guardian spirit of the forest. The face of it our ancient ancestors in different locations were different, they used to say that it can be referenced in the form of a bear, the decrepit old man or a strapping man, wood, cattle and goat-legged creatures, the rest of this person, and then in the form of pretty woolly and even simian verzily. As distinguishing features is the lack of eyelashes, eyebrows, and the right ear, the green light in the eyes, and long green-gray hair combed to the left.
It was also believed that it can change according to your height surrounding vegetation that rise above the pine trees, then turn bylinochki below. In addition, he shod sandals contrary — left to right, right to left foot and sheepskin coat or smell left. Showing people, the devil was trying to pretend to be an ordinary man, and about the recognition of his true identity had a belief that you can see through his tricks, looking over his right ear horse.
Places alleged residence devil was supposed to get round. At the same time they received the status of reserved dedicated Sviatobor. But before entering into any wood from forest uncle was supposed to ask permission, as it to command all vegetation and all the creatures in it, and is a wolf and bear shepherd. Published in
Attributed to the devil with the ability to scare people wild laughter and drive wheels. The one who was the victim, should not have anything to eat or carry lutovku — slate lime bark, turn the insole in your footwear and clothing inside out. One could also say the favorite saying of the gentleman of the forest: "It was found to have lost." But what he did not particularly like and therefore do not forgive, it's abusive speeches and curses.
To appease him, on the stump left treats, stuck for the occasion of the house: the carrot, for example, pancakes and the like, and thanks for the catch, whether it be hunting or mushroom — berry. A number of people, for example, the Veps existed the idea that it is necessary to feed the master of the forest food that prefers to bear. The Russian North loggers placed under rowan gramotki with petitions to the "righteous forest", previously laid against heart mountain ash branch and a few sticks, cut from the same ash.
Farmers in ancient times believed that with devilry can negotiate, for example, to protect livestock from wild animals, and even hire him to feed the cattle. For example, in the woods throwing key lock, waiting for "uncle" will be locked and unlocked it, and on opening the herd will gather in one place. For service to pay milk, and even a couple of cows. To return a missing cow, over the heads of animals throwing bread — also a gift to him.
Complaining devil gifts and Easter, leaving him an Easter egg (!), And is particularly active indulges August 22, at Agathon, a day, or rather the night of his birthday, so as not enraged for evermore and scattered bundles in the field. But once a year, on 17 October, no gifts and gratitude did not help to avoid the machinations Leshakov: about that day said that all forest spirits rage, and their leader to break trees, beasts and disperses itself falls to the ground, returning only in the spring, when it thaw.
As he took his wife's swamp or dummy lisunku (leshachihu, leshuhu), and then kidnapped the girl that come back in the woods for mushrooms and berries, and it was thought that not any, and from among the damned. Since forest belongings dikonkomu to life sometimes lacked, especially after the wedding, he simply stole in villages, thus punishing the hosts, who have not blessed the food, not crossing your household goods, not prayed before milking cows, etc. However, other authors write that goblin feared tricolor cats and dogs with light spots over the eyes, like a second pair of eyes, and black cocks and anger house and bath.
About ancestors and descendants devil there are different versions. One by one, his grandmother and grandfather are lesavki — little old men who live in the fallen leaves, which seem to be snitch small children, but since the end of the summer and the fall play around them, leaping and whistling, rustling and crawling in his "home", and then go into a long hibernation. On the other — these are the children of the same lesavki devil, who, having fun and prokaznichaya, knock people with forest trails, pour down dust and cobwebs. In any case, all recognize kinship of these forest spirits, although more convincing is a variant on which his cubs — similar pranksters who initially called leshenyami. About parents master of the forest history is silent.
Attributed to the devil with a passion for kartezhnichestvu, saying that if he cut the cards with a fellow from a nearby forest, and, moreover, recklessly, and the loser pays rabbits or squirrels. Sometimes the game is intact artels. According S.Maksimova, there is evidence of the enormous old-timers "fight card" of Russian and Siberian sprites, held in 1859. Won by Russian, and the losing side had to drive an army of boreal birds across the Ural Mountains.
Thousands of years lived in the legends and tales of devil image. With the passage of time it is mixed with a Hostile undead, resulting character began to look very contradictory. If you look closely, very angry initially was not, rather, played an instrument of punishment for contempt of the forest and the traditions of Slavic life, but could in fact and reward, if they were observed: the road will indicate and forest wealth bestow, and even go to work for hire. And not for nothing that he was associated with sanctuaries Sviatobor — the god of forests and forest land, which represented eternal wildlife, provided peace and harmony in it.

Very unusual item, too good to miss.Take a look in our shop for other Christmas Decorations, combined postage half price additional cheaper items!!! 

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