Pure Hyaluronic Acid Powder
&Kojic Acid Powder
(Recommended to add  Vitamin C & E to make Famous CEF Serum)
Nature & Nurture, NY USA
What is Hyaluronic Acid
  • Hyaluronic Aced occurs naturally in the dermis (below the  top skin layer). Its water-absorption abilities allow the  epidermis ( the top skin layer) to achieve greater suppleness, elasticity and thickness.
  • Hyaluronic Acid is abundant in youthful skin and is the  key component that keeps our skin youthful and hydrated. It  keeps the skin firm, moist, supple, smooth and prevents  wrinkles and fine lines by plumping the skin.
  • Our natural produced Hyaluronic Acid diminishes with age,  sun damage, hormone depletion, lowered estrogen and  menopause, and our skin begins to age. Replacing Hyaluronic  Acid is the most effective way to repair damaged, aging  skin.
Hyaluronic Acid Anti-Aging Benefits that Turn Back the  Clock:

It hydrates:
  • holding water on the top layer of cells, favors skin  hydration by reducing moisture loss.
  • plumps up the appearance of your skin… reducing fine  lines and wrinkles.
  • improve skin hydration and increase skin elasticity
  • nourishing the cells for firmer-looking skin.
It moisturizes:
  • soften the top layers of dead cells and facilitate their  removal
  • helps give skin a softer smoother texture.
  • maintains skin's natural beauty.
  • reduce coarse wrinkles
It penetrates:    
  • facilitate skin hydration by penetrating into the  dermis (deeper skin layers)
  • assists with transporting other moisturizers further  into the cell for bio-activity.
  • reduce bacterial population and inflammation
For Topical Use:
  • Measure out 4 fluid (100 gm) ounces distilled  water and pour into small bottle or a Jar. Place in refrigerator for about 4 hours.
  • Add 1 gram of the Hyaluronic Acid powder into the bottle on top of the  cold water.
  • Place the water bottle with the Hyaluronic Acid powder and  cold water into the refrigerator (but do not freeze).
  • Seal the bottle lid tightly and shake the bottle a few times.  The Hyaluronic Acid powder will not appear to dissolve but will  clump together in floating white masses. This is normal.
  • Periodically, about every two to four hours, shake the bottle  and then place immediately back into refrigerator. After 4 to 8  hours you will notice that the Hyaluronic Acid clumps are turning clear and dispersing into  solution. After 12 to 24 hours the Hyaluronic Acid will be  completely dissolved forming a thickened and gelatinous liquid with a viscosity between maple syrup and  honey, but still pourable.  
Kojic Acid Powder

Today, kojic acid is being used in cosmetics and skin  lightening products regularly because it actually works and  doesn’t have the dangerous side effects of many chemicals  and compounds.  Kojic acid has many benefits that other main  ingredients can’t offer.

  • What Is Kojic Acid?
    Kojic acid is an all-natural compound derived from fungi – sort of like  mushrooms. That means that kojic  acid is completely natural and  not something that’s man-made in a laboratory by a group of scientists and  dermatologists.
  • How Does Kojic Acid Work?
    kojic acid works to stop  the production of melanin in  your skin. Melanin is the substance that gives your skin its pigment, and the  more you have, the darker your skin will be. Age spots, sun spots and spots  related to melasma and hyperpigmentation generally contain more melanin than the  surrounding healthy skin. Kojic Acid can reduce the production of melanin,  giving your skin an overall lighter appearance.
  • Longer Shelf Life
    Many products designed for lightening the skin have a very short shelf life  because they really aren’t all that stable. Products  that contain kojic acid generally have a much longer shelf life because kojic  acid resists oxidation and spoilage.
  • Kojic Acid Is Effective
    Kojic acid has been widely studied by many dermatologists and  scientists because it is an ingredient that’s commonly used in skin care  products. Kojic acid has been proven effective.
  • Kojic Acid Is Safe
    kojic acid is very safe. Unlike hydroquinone which can  cause incredibly dry skin, severe rashes and even contact dermatitis.
  • Kojic acid is not known to  cause these even in people with  sensitive skin. But it should be noted that if you have cuts or broken skin  or peeling, this is not considered safe.


  • Assay: 99.8%
  • Appearance: Light yellow  free flowing powder
  • Odor: Characteristic, Low
  • Solubility: Hot water
  • Storage: Cool, tightly sealed, protected from light moisture
  • Shelf life: 24 months when properly stored
Direction for Use  
  • Topical Use: Add Kojic Acid to your favorite cream at  approximately 1% concentration. DO NOT use more than 2% concentration to avoid skin  irritation.
  • Half tea spool of Kojic Acid is about 1.25gm adding to 4oz (about 120gm) Serum, Lotion or Cream will yield about 1% concentration
  • 4% concentration levels can use only with making soap   which will remain on skin short term then rinse off.
  • Discontinue use if you note side effects such as red  rash or bumps, itching, pain, blisters and dry, red patches  of skin.
  • Oral Supplement: 200-250mg daily.
Kojic Acid Storage :
  • store in cool and drid space, Ideal storage is in  refrigerator in airtight opaque container.
  • Kojic acid will gradually turn darker is not sotred  properly of kept too long.
  • Make small batch at a time to keep it the freshest and  most effective.


Any statements about our products have not been evaluated by the FDA.
 Our active skin care ingredients are not intended  to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease