There are so many uses and benefits of black seeds that we were able to come up with a list of over 100 black seed oil remedies. Be sure to get the recipes too for useful and delicious ways to take it!

The immune system boosting properties of Black Seed was noted in (Ibn Sina) Avicenna's 1025 A.D. Canon of Medicine, who used the seed for stimulating the body's energy and speed recovery from fatigue. 
101 Black Seed Oil Benefits, Remedies & Uses

1. Promotes Heart Health – 
An unhealthy heart can be a result of a variety of reasons, but they all stem from a common denominator; not giving the heart the nutrients it needs. The rich and unsaturated Omega 6 & 9 acids as well as the phytosterols that black seeds contain offer amazing heart benefits and help reinforce elasticity in your blood vessel walls, thereby aiding in the prevention of thrombus formation and arterial pressure. They also help lower your cholesterol and blood sugar too.

For centuries, this has been one of the main uses of black seed oil and one of its most praised benefits.

2. Fights Fungal Infections – Fungal infections occur when bacteria grows on top of your skin, resulting in a variety of different diseases and rashes. Research shows that fungus and mold cannot co-exist with the compounds found in black seeds, leading many scientists to conclude that black seed oil is beyond a powerful herb, but an excellent natural remedy.

3. Reduces Allergies (Sinus Infections) – Many of us develop allergies and sinus infections, a direct result of a weak immune system that could needs immediate help. Using black seed oil for allergies can be one of the best ways to get better. Not only is it known to provide quick relief, but it gets you up on your feet faster than most over the counter medication today.

It’s safe to say that using black seeds for allergies can change your mind about today’s prescription allergy medicine.

4. Good for Your Skin – From tone to texture, there are many reasons for someone wanting healthier skin. With all the essential fatty acids, vitamins, antioxidants, and amino acid, black seed oil makes perfect all around daily skin moisturizer. Not only is it great for protection (for sunburn, etc.), but it also has anti-aging properties that help with wrinkles.

5. Efficient Skin Cancer Treatment (Melanoma) – Cancer is a result of DNA mutations multiplying too quickly for your immune system to catch up. Caused mainly by inflammation, the thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone properties in black seeds have been found to be effective in it’s treatment. Known mainly for it’s anti-inflammatory properties, black seed oil has been proven to prevent and treat many different cancers, including skin cancer. This is again due to the potent anti bacterial and anti inflammatory properties it contains, the 2 main properties of black seeds.

The way they work is by targeting your white blood cells, thereby boosting your immune health and killing cancer cells.

6. Black Seed Oil for Acne – Acne is a direct result of inflammation on the skin, which causes people to break out. With powerful regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties, black seeds are your best option for clearing up your skin and giving it a soft, natural glow. It’s been used by both Kings and Queens throughout history for their most common skin ailments.

7. Infection Killer – Infections of all types are fought off by the immune system, specifically white cells. By targeting the immune system directly, black seed oil helps your body fight off infections from head to toe. This is a unique property that black seeds were known for throughout history, and they stood the test of time to be one of if not the most powerful natural remedies today.

8. Boosts Fertility –
 Infertility can have a variety of different causes, however it’s been proven that black seed oil has helped many improve their fertility. For those that are suffering from infertility, know that black seeds have been used to improve the reproductive health of men and women for over two thousand years. To date, it is still one of the best natural remedies for boosting fertility.

Not to mention, it’s also been proven to increase sex-drive and can act as a natural aphrodisiac.

9. Good for Your Hair – From thinning hair to dryness, there are a multitude of results caused by not taking care of your hair. Even if you do take care of it, many of the hair products in the market actually cause more damage than aid. One of the more popular uses of black seed oil is for hair restoration and promoting overall hair health. Although it’s really not concrete as to why exactly black seeds help with hair growth, one can assume that it stems from its potent antioxidant properties. It’s also proven to be useful as a natural remedy for premature gray hair.

10. Reduces Flu’s and Fevers – Also arising directly from a weak immune system, a flu or fever can cause serious damage to your immune system. Not having a way to help your body can leave you in bed for days if not weeks. Since it’s anti inflammatory, you can use black seed oil for flu’s and fevers for quick relief. With immediate aid to your immune system, your body will feel the potent anti oxidant and anti bacterial properties of black seed oil go to work.

A suggested recipe is mixing honey and black seed oil in a cup of warm water. Doing this daily will not only get rid of your flu and fever, but improve your overall well-being.

11. Cures Boils and Carbuncles – Whether it’s a single boil (furuncle) or a cluster of boils (carbuncle),  black seed oil is a great way to find quick relief. As long as the boil/s are smaller than a half inch, black seed oil can help it disappear. This is because boils are caused from bacteria which the potent anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of black seeds make vanish.

If the boil is any larger than half an inch, you must seek immediate medical attention.

12. Treat Coughs and Asthma – With the inflammation of bronchial tubes (the body parts that allow you to breathe easily), it can cause quite a stir and inconvenience gasping for air, breathing deeply but not getting any oxygen. The anti inflammatory properties of blackseeds make it one of the most ideal amazing herbs. Black seed oil targets your immune system and it’s anti bacterial properties fight off any bacteria and virus. It’s great for anything that’s caused by inflammation. Specifically bronchitis and asthma, two of the more prominent uses of black seeds.

It has even been recorded in history that the one of the main uses the Ancient Egyptians had for it was helping improve cardiovascular health.

13. Black Seed Oil for Diarrhea – Since most diarrhea is a result of a viral infection, the anti-inflammatory properties of black seed makes a perfect home remedy for it. It balances your digestion and intestines, allowing your body to become less constipated.

Many suggest mixing 1-2 teaspoons of black seed oil with yogurt for 2 days before the diarrhea is completely gone.

14. Reduces High Blood Pressure – Black seed oil for high blood pressure is one of the most common uses of black seed oil today. Although it’s not recognized as an official treatment, many high blood pressure patients noticed a significant drop in their blood pressure levels when taking black seed oil. Studies like these have led many to start taking black seed oil as a natural remedy for reducing high blood pressure.

15. Helps Eliminate Insomnia – Studies have shown that taking black seed oil for insomnia and other sleep disorders can be very effective. Many have claimed that it has helped them eliminate their sleeping disorder altogether.

On top of this, it’s also great for promoting natural deep sleep for everyone.

16. Prevents Muscle Cramps and Spasms – The anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory agents in black seed oil make it very helpful in preventing and easing muscle cramps/spasms. You can either consume it orally or rub some oil on the affected areas to see near-instant results.

17. Relieves Nausea and Upset Stomach – Black seed oil for nausea and upset stomachs is another notorious use of black seeds. The reason why it makes for such a powerful remedy is due to the fact that it stimulates your body’s digestion and induces the expulsion of gas.

For nausea, a common recipe is mixing a teaspoon of black seed oil with a teaspoon of ginger juice (twice daily).

18. Treats Toothaches – Another effective remedy for toothaches is black seed oil. To relieve the pain and soreness, all you do is rub the oil on your gums for 20 seconds. Then sit back and feel the anti-oxidants go to work.

19. Kills Leukemia Cells – Studies showed that black seeds had anti-proliferative effects in human myeloblastic leukemia HL-60 cells. This again can be traced back to the thymoquinone it contains that make it such a powerful remedy.

20. Inhibits Breast Cancer – Black seed oil showed a continuous ability to suppress breast cancer cell reproduction when taken for long-term treatment. Studies showed that larger doses resulted in more powerful suppression.

21. Suppresses and Kills Colon Cancer Cells – black seeds thymoquinone & anti-oxidant properties make for powerful scavenger abilities. They are not only useful for tons of other ailments, but they are a key ingredient in the suppression of cancer cell growth.

Their ability to inhibit cancer growth is so impressive that many doctors have stated that it’s an effective natural alternative for colon cancer treatment.

22. Cures Psoriasis – Caused mainly by inflammation, Psoriasis is an unpleasant condition of the skin that millions are affected by worldwide. Since black seed oil exhibits anti-psoriasis properties, it thereby benefits primarily diseases caused by inflammation. This makes it for a great natural alternative to many of today’s prescription recommendations for psoriasis.

Simply consume the oil or capsule orally daily to see results. You can also rub some directly on affected areas.

23. Treats Eczema – Suffering from Eczema can be a painful experience. Finding that much needed relief can be hard, which will make you appreciate black seed oil that much more. Eczema is caused by, you guessed it, inflammation. This causes unpleasant red rashes to show up and cause swelling throughout the body.

Using black seed oil for Eczema is one of the most preferred natural alternatives to treatment today. Simply consume 1-2 teaspoons daily for immediate relief.

24. Aids in Weight Loss – Black seed oil’s weight loss effects stem from it’s blood sugar lowering properties. On top of being a natural antioxidant, it also aids in speeding up your metabolism and lowering your appetite. This especially helps when trying to gain back control of your diet

25. Prevents Diabetes – What made black seed oil for diabetes such a powerful natural remedy? It’s ability to significantly lower blood pressure and help both insulin and non insulin dependent diabetes patients. It’s not only for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, but it’s helpful in improving your overall blood health.