25grams Pyrite Fools Gold Nuggets in Swag bag Crystals Chakra Healing Fire Stone Peruvian

NB Bag Style & Colour may vary
Pyrite is a very protective stone, shielding the user from negative energy of all kinds. Pyrite blocks energy leaks and ends auric tears. Carry Pyrite in your pocket to protect you from both environmental pollution and physical danger. Pyrite also promotes good physical health and emotional well-being.

Our member who looks after our Minerals & Metaphysical section has over 40yrs experience in this area and has personally collected many of the Crystal types and Minerals that we will be bringing to you.

All stones have been cleansed

We have over 40yrs experience in this area and have personally collected many of the Crystal types and Minerals that we will be bringing to you.

Dont Forget that we give great postage discounts on multiple purchases of this item. See p&p tab above. Discount will be automatic.

These Crystals are also excellent when used in a grid

ALL PROFITS FROM OUR SALES GO TO OUR CHARITY specifically African Women's Aid Network 


Low Price

We promise to do our best to ensure that your order is shipped within the time shown. 

Small Packages, Standard and Large Letters will be sent by Royal Mail. 

DISCLAIMER  the information is given in our listing with regards to health benefits etc is the opinion of the author and others practicing in this field. You should always seek the help of health professionals if you have a physical or mental disorder