Print Specifics:
  • Type of print: Steel & stipple engraving - Original antique print
  • Year of printing: not indicated in the print, actual: 1883
  • Publisher: Western Biographical Publishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Condition: 1 (1. Excellent - 2. Very good - 3. Good - 4. Fair)
    • Dimensions: include blank margins (borders) around the image.
    • Paper weight: 2-3 (1. Thick - 2. Heavy - 3. Medium heavy - 4. Slightly heavier - 5. Thin)
    • Reverse side: Blank
    • Note: 1. Engraved facsimile signature under the image. 2. Green 'border' around the print in the photo is the contrasting background on which the print was photographed.

    Basic genealogy info:
    BANNING, HENRY BLACKSTONE, attorney-ar-law, Cincinnati, was, on his father's side, of Maryland stock. His mother's family were of Virginia.

    ... At the battle of Chickamauga, in a bayonet charge, the regiment, under the lead of Colonel Banning, captured the battle-flag of the Twentysecond Alabama Regiment, the only colors taken by our troops upon that bloody and disastrous field. At the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, an eye-witness, in describing the fight, said: “Yesterday was a bloody day for the One Hundred and Twenty-first Ohio-more bloody in numbers than Chickamauga. More than one-third of her gallant sons were killed or wounded. History`s page will recall the deeds of her fallen heroes, and the command of the gallant Banning, Lie down, One Hundred and Twenty-first, and do not retire one inch until I order you,` when the storm of battle was at its highest, will make for him an imperishable record; and the stubborness with which the regiment obeyed the order, unsupported and exposed to a galling fire from both flanks and front, of artillery and small-arms, for more than four hours, will be rehearsed in story and in song in after years." 

    ...  In September, 1868, General Banning married Miss Julia, daughter of Timothy Kirby, of Cincinnati, and immediately removed to that place, and resumed the practice of law, with his usual success.

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