6 Victorian Era  Advertising Trade Cards  Niagra  Corn Starch + 5 More. Niagra Corn Starch Pure and Sweet,part  of other card stuck to back .Dr. Thomas Electric Oil other card stuck to back some writing still visible. both front are clear and in good shape.Dr, D. Jayne's Expectorant much of the writing is still visible on back , hole in card towards the bottom ,still a nice card, Compliments of Continental Tailoring Chicago nice calendar from 1908 on back 400  wollens from which to make your selection. J.A. Rogers & Son Pure Drugs Toilet Articles ,proprietary medicines and druggists sundries back of card has  print and is clearly legible. bookmark printed on front . Enameline  the Modern Stove Polish  fold stand-up card, still intact, much of the print on back is readable little piece on back probably could be removed with little damage. six great Victorian Era Trade Advertising cards for one price