Common & Latin Name: Harlequin Rasbora (Trigono heteromorpha)
  • Care level: Easy
  • Max Size: 5cm
  • Min tank size: 30 Litre
  • Diet: Omnivore
  • Temp: 22-26°C
  • PH: 6.5-7.5
  • Compatibility: View Chart or More Info
  • Temperament: Peaceful
  • Origin: Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra and southern Thailand 
  • Approximate purchase size: 2-3cm

** Due to the cost of delivery to us and the fact that we subsidise the cost of delivery, orders under £25 excluding P&P will be automatic cancelled **

Our delivery days are between Thursday-Friday. All orders are sent with our 24hr courier and will need to be signed for. Once your order has been placed, please confirm which day you will require delivery as we cannot post out until we have this info. We have been selling online for over 10 years now and our fish are packed to insure the best chance of reaching you safe and sound. Should you have any queries please contact us and a member staff will be there to help.

Please Note: Size, sex and colouration may vary from the image shown above (illustration purpose only), Many of our livestock are sold as juveniles and therefore may have not reached their potential colours. Please contact us for more information regarding this matter, A member of staff will be willing to help

How easy are they to keep? The Harlequin Rasbora’s are great beginner fish, being a hardy and colourful fish. A large school of Harlequin Rasboras fill the upper areas of the aquarium with movement and colour so lively and vibrant that even non-hobbyists marvel at the display, we recommend a minimum of 6 to truly appreciate this fish.

How big do they grow? 
They will grow up to 5cm long.

What is the best sized tank for these?
A minimum of 30 Litres, however we recommend when it comes to aquariums the bigger the better.

What is best to feed them? 
An omnivore, the Harlequin Rasbora’s can be fed a variety of flake, frozen, freeze dried and live foods for a varied diet. Check out the different variety foods you available in our store

What water conditions do they require? 
Temperature can range from 23-26°C. Although the Harlequin Rasbora’s comes from soft acidic water we recommend keeping a pH of 7 -7.5.

What can they be kept with? 
A great community fish can be kept with variety fish such as Tetras, Discus, Angels, Livebearers, Gourami’s, Corydoras and many more. Please see the compatibility chart for more information.

Where are they from? 
Blackwater forest streams of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore & Thailand.

Can they be bred in captivity?
Rasbora heteromorpha generally spawns on the undersides of broad-leaved plants. A breeding tank with shallow, warm, acidic, soft water with broad-leaved plants should be set up. To encourage spawning, pair a young (9-12 months old) female Harlequin Rasbora with a two-year old male and offer live food items. After spawning, remove the parents and keep the aquarium dark until the eggs hatch (after about 24 hours). Feed the fry infusoria.

A little about us... Welcome to Aquatics2you, Everyone's Local Fish Store. Our aim is to be your local fish store, offering everything your local fish shop would offer and more but we are open 24 hours a day! We offer an ever-growing range of products from accessories to livestock we have it all and are here to help. For unbeatable service before and after your purchase choose Aquatics2You.

Should you have any other queries regarding our stock please feel free to contact us on 0121-472-5144 and a member of staff will be happy to help.