~ * Handmade Silver Wire Wrapped Amethyst Point Pendant * ~
CHARGED Double Terminated Amethyst Crystal Point & Black Cord Necklace

Use amethyst crystal wrap as a pendant or pendulum. Wire wrapped pendant is about 1.5" Wonderful for Protection & Healing - Amethyst is also very helpful in restoring balance plus it's great for work with heart, third eye & crown chakras & can also improve your intuition & psychic abilities.  

Amethyst is a protective & healing stone, great for work with crown chakra & third eye chakra. Amethyst crystals are used to increase spiritual awareness, psychic abilities, intuition & creativity, used in meditation & reiki practices to achieve inner peace & balance. Amethyst helps bring positive transformation, restore balance & relieve stress! 

Amethyst is a powerful crystal; not only is it protective & healing Amethyst also removes negative energy. Amethyst helps balance mood swings & soothes irritability. Wear or carry Amethyst for protection -  this crystal wrap sheilds you protecting from anger, rage, fear, anxiety and negative energy. Use Amethyst crystals to help with sadness, grief & negativity. Amethyst crystal is great for heart chakra & overall healing. Amethyst is the "sobriety" stone or crystal and attracts stable, calm, peaceful energy, restores balance, courage & inner strength. Physically, use Amethyst to overcome chronic fatigue and/or withdrawal symptoms from any addiction. Amethyst crystals are useful for pain relief and especially helpful for treating symptoms caused by circulatory system, endocrine system, fibromyalgia, immune system deficiencies, arthritisheadaches and help treat insomnia. 

Since these are handmade, each piece is unique & quantities are limited. Please remember photos are just examples of a few pendants - the pendant you receive will be very similar but not the exact one pictured.

I am very passionate about crystals & feel lucky I have been able to help spread the beauty & healing abilities of these amazing crystals & jewelry. I personally make or pick out each piece from the people who made it. I ensure every piece is respected, treated with love, & care. Before shipping to you I also make sure to clear all energies & charge the crystals. Please take note that as with any natural creation there may be some slight size or color variation, as well as inclusions, pits or tiny cracks - these give the stones personality just like us -they are imperfect in their perfect nature! It is my pleasure to be able to do this as a business & pass on these amazing "gems" to others. Please feel free to email me with any questions. I am always willing to combine shipping for multiple items as well -  Buy 3 or more items  & get FREE SHIPPING!

Mystic Mana Crystals & Jewelry Store  - browse all my beautiful handmade jewelry and be sure your order qualifies for FREE SHIPPING!  Thanks!