We Have The Biggest Selection & The Finest Coffees Beans From All Over The World 

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Roasted in small batches as ordered - Coffee is roasted only after an order is placed

Roasted & Shipped Mon - Fri.

Taste for yourself why so many people are loyal to Coffee Bean Expert.

 We only roast the finest Geisha Coffee Beans on the Planet!

#1 On eBay Over 12 Years 1,371,000 Pounds Sold & 169,000 Happy Customers!


This truly is an excellent coffee, highly recommended !


Colombia La Esperanza Granja GEISHA Coffee Beans! 

This is a wow coffee for a person that loves Colombian coffees, it is all the best just more intense in every aspect.

You are buying 2 Pounds of Medium Roasted Coffee beans. 

Colombia Granja Geisha Buenos Aires Coffee Beans are sourced from a family owned estate located in the Valle del Cauca department, Colombia. The Granja, consisting of four distinct farms (Cerro Azul, Las Margaritas, La Esperanza, Buenos Aires), is managed by Rigoberto and Luis, two of eleven siblings following in the footsteps of their grandparents who began cultivating coffee in the Valle del Cauca in the 1930s. Rigoberto and Luis meticulously manage the various micro-climates throughout the four farms to ensure optimum adaptability for the Geisha variety and exceptional cherry maturation at Cerro Azul. The brothers have also embarrassed innovation at their wet and dry mill to reduce water and fossil fuel consumption. Beyond coffee, the brothers focus on creating gender balance in the workforce, dignified wages, and educational opportunities for workers and their children.

The first Colombian Geisha Coffee Beans arrived to Café Granja La Esperanza through Carleida state farm, located next to La Esmeralda state farm in Boquete Panama. This farm was leased by Café Granja La Esperanza for 7 years, and it is located in the Alto Jaramillo, Boquete, cradle of the amazing Panamanian Geisha. In 2008, Carleida farm obtained the first place on the annual competition of the best Panamanian specialty coffees, “The Best of Panama”, with its Geisha variety, and has remained among the first places in later years.

The best seeds of the Panamanian state farm were sown in experimental lots on the three volcanic mountain ranges of Colombia, and the best Geisha bushes are being reproduced on commercial lots in Trujillo and Caicedonia area, from Valle del Cauca State. Geisha coffee trees, robust and cheerful, have grown in great terroirs of Cerro Azul, La Esperanza and Buenos Aires farms, in the foothills of the western mountain range; and in Las Margaritas farm, nestled in a large nest of the central mountain range.

Our Geisha Coffee Beans collectors are paid by day and not by collected quantity in order to motivate their work for quality and not for weight. They must use two different containers, one for coffee cherries with the appropriate ripeness level, and another one for coffee cherries with defects even if they are minimum; our quality control begins at this point. Collectors receive previous training to the harvest and are supervised by a promoter. Unlike other state farms, whose collectors go into each lot to harvest every 15 to 20 days, ours enter lots every 4 days, which allows us to keep a high coffee cherries quality uniformity level.


Colombia Granja La Esperanza GEISHA BUENOS AIRES


Country: Colombia

Department: Valle del Cauca

Municipality: Trujillo

Farm: La Esperanza

Total Crop Area: 2 ha.

Altitude: 1.750 masl.

Temperature: 15°C – 21°C

Rainfall: 1.526 mm/year

Humidity: 85 - 90%

Number of trees: 5.284

Process: Fully washed


Cup Profile

Fragrance and aroma: Citrus flower, sugar cane, lime. Taste and aftertaste: Panela, grapefruit, good apple acidity, creamy and dense body.


Manual and rigorous picking. Adequate equipment for the depulping process, which is done without water. Coffee is stirred and sensorial tasted to determine the ideal fermentation based on the cup profile wanted. Fermentation time for this coffee ranges between 18 and 20 hours.


Once coffee has been fully washed, is mechanically dried. The temperature is closely monitored and ranges between 35°C (95°F) and 45°C (113°F). The final humidity percentage is around 10,5%.


Coffee Review  96

Colombia La Esperanza Geisha

Origin: Trujillo, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.

Roast: Medium-Light

Agtron: 58/81

Aroma: 9

Acidity: 9

Body: 9

Flavor: 10

Aftertaste: 9

Blind Assessment:

Grandly and exhilaratingly complex. A bouquet of floral notes both meadowy and deep; grape and ripe mango-like fruit; crisp roasted cocoa nib in aroma and cup. Sweetly bright, balanced acidity; lightly syrupy and buoyantly lively mouthfeel. Long, super-flavor-saturated finish.

Advantages Our Competitors can't match, in short why you should buy from us!

First, we only use grade 1 gourmet coffee beans that are

100% Geisha Coffee Beans in all of our coffees.


You want the best cup of coffee & we guarantee you will be thrilled! That’s why we carefully select only top-quality Arabica Coffee Beans with high ratings at the cupping table. Rest assured our Gourmet Grade Arabica Coffee Beans will produce an extraordinarily great cup of coffee for you. Because quality begins at the farm, we enthusiastically encourage biodiversity, and sustainable farming practices. We buy from farmers and partners who embrace our high ideals, and who treat workers well and pay fairly. We’ve found that those who are committed to these goals grow coffees with the finest tasting and highest quality coffees in the world! Therefore, we have been eBay's most successful family owned and operated coffee roaster for over 10 years.

Meet Our Roast Master: Our Roast Master is Gary he learned the art of roasting coffee in Costa Rica for six years where he studied to master the art of coffee roasting. Coffee Bean Expert Inc. offers old world coffee roasting techniques. After returning to America, he opened Coffee Bean Expert Inc. using the experience he gained while roasting in Costa Rica & my knowledge of the best grown coffee beans.  He soon bought 3 Probat P12 high-tech digital roasting technologies from Probat Roasters, offer the highest small batch roasters. Together we bring you the finest roasted coffee available anywhere.

Meet Our Coffee Buyer: Darling is our buyer and Gary's wife she grew up on a coffee farm working along with her father from the young age of 4 years old while living in Nicaragua. It was there that she learned how to spot the attributes of a high-quality coffee beans as a young child. First you must start with the highest quality coffee beans you can find from around the world. When Gary was in Central America they meet at a coffee farm, it was love at first site. They married 45 days later without even speaking each other’s language, that was 22 years ago, and they have made an unbeatable team in the coffee industry ever since. If you pay less somewhere someone is cutting corners on quality by adding Robusta Coffee Beans, our reputation is worth more, he refuses to add these beans they will make your coffee bitter.

About Our Geisha Coffee Beans:  We only roast 100% Geisha Coffee Beans they are considered the finest gourmet coffee beans available.  We never mix in Robusta Coffee Beans to increase our profits. The difference is a clean coffee without the bitterness found in other brands of coffee. 

MICRO ROASTED EACH MORNING IN SMALL 22 POUND BATCHES: Soon he invested in 3 Probat P12 high-tech digital roasting technologies from Probat Roasters, offer the highest quality small batch Coffee roasters. These machines allow him to roast small batches of each coffee we need just for that day. The advantage is we can roast as little as 18 pounds that will yield around 14 pounds of coffee per cycle this means we are never going to roast more coffee then is needed to fill orders for the day. Giving you an incredibly fresh coffee roasted only after an order is placed. Meaning you will get the freshest coffee possible, still warm as it is bagged and shipped to you while they are still warm from our roaster.

Every Morning We Start Roasting At 4:00 A.M. I lite our Probat roasters for the day to roast only the coffees that have been ordered that same day. Yes, we take our coffee seriously in fact very seriously. Small batch roasting is more expensive because it limits the amount of coffee, we can roast in one day but, this roasting technique ensures that each batch of coffee Beans will be superior in quality and roasted evenly to the desired roast profile, not mass produced. This process draws out the best possible flavor in each batch. Small batch roasting permits a higher quality of standards in coffee throughout the complete process: from choosing the correct charge & drop temperature & then to slowly roasting each small batch to perfection.

All Our Coffees Are Packaged In 1 Pound Bags That Are Nitrogen Flushed. Nitrogen is an odorless and tasteless gas that is heavier than oxygen. It is typically used in the food industry because of its ability to reduce the staling process. Since Nitrogen has no smell or taste, it won't compromise the quality of the coffee taste but, will ensure its freshness for a long period of time. When paired with our one-way values on our coffee bags it will keep your coffee fresh roasted coffee fresh for months to come. This is a time-consuming process & adds to the cost of our coffee in both bags and labor but, we think it is worth it, because most people only drink around a 1/2 to 3/4 of a pound of coffee a week.


Your coffee will be Fresh Roasted, Bagged & Shipped while it is still cooling down from our roaster!

We Source All Of Our Coffee’s, We Are Your True Coffee Hunters !

Taste Our Passion In Every Sip!