Meditation Pure Essential Oil Aromatherapy Blend Pure Undiluted All Natural for Inner Knowledge, Relaxation, Wisdom, Awareness & Receptivity

Our Meditation Pure Essential Oil Aromatherapy Blend is perfect for those of you who wish to deepen your spirituality and create a more reflective state during your meditative journeys. It’s no secret that a meditation practice can help establish a more peaceful experience with the ups and downs of everyday life. Our Meditation Pure Aromatherapy Blend contains powerful essential oils that are known for their ability to calm the mind, help to reach deeper states of consciousness and aid in mental clarity. If you desire to broaden your own self-awareness and tap into your inner knowledge, our Mediation Blend contains the perfect synergy of oils. Made with frankincense, sandalwood, lavender, cedar, galbanum, Jasmine and balsam copaiba, Our Meditation Pure Essential Oil Aromatherapy Blend includes historic oils that have been used in meditation practices for centuries. Of course, our Mediation Oil Blend is 100% pure and all natural. Made with the highest quality essential oils, it comes in a 10 ml euro dropper bottle.

We add no carrier oils to our Essential Oil Blends so we urge you to take the right precautions. Do not apply undiluted oil directly on the skin.  This product is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure illnesses or diseases nor is it intended to be used in order to replace appropriate medical attention and/or treatment.  This product is not intended to be used by those who are pregnant. Keep out of reach of small children.  For external use only.

Ingredients: Lavender Officianalis (lavender), Cedrus Atlantica (cedarwood), Boswellia Carterii (frankincense), Santalum Album (sandalwood), Jasminum Grandiflorum (Jasmine), Ferula Galbaniflua (galbanum) and Myroxylon Pereirae (balsam copaiba).

Frankincense has literally been used for thousands of years. It is perhaps most widely known for its use in spiritual purposes and rites. It was a deeply revered by the Ancient Egyptians who would offer it to their Gods during religious ceremonies. Both India and China have utilized its effects for spiritual meditation practices. It is believed to promote higher states of consciousness that enables one to connect to their intuitive self.

Galbanum was another popular oil used during ancient times. Like frankincense, the Egyptians used it in their sacred rites and embalming practices. The ancient Hebrews considered it to be a holy oil and was used for anointing practices.  Even today it remains a popular oil in ayurvedic medicine as it is believed to help balance the body and the three doshas. Galbanum has wonderful calming qualities and is often a favorite essential oil when one wished to feel more grounded and secure in the world.

Cedar was considered to be a sacred herb by the Native Americans. It can be associated to abundance and prosperity, however it is especially linked to its ability to aid in healing, prophetic dreams and prayer. During biblical times, forests of cedar trees were sought for refuge as it was believed that these sacred forests good offer valuable insight and guidance. The ancient Egyptians also venerated the cedar and used it in their embalming rights.

Sandalwood is another favorite essential oil that has a strong roots in Indian mythology. Sandalwood is considered to be a sacred true and associated with Vishnu. Devotees of Vishnu would make a paste from it and anoint it to their foreheads. Sandalwood incense was used in temples and was revered for its ability aid in mediation and achieve higher states of consciousness. The Polynesians would create a powder from sandalwood and mix it in an oil to treat earaches, skin disorders and headaches.  Sandalwood is known for a both a calming and soothing affect. It used commonly used for spiritual inspiration and has a lovely peaceful effect when burned. The Chinese use sandalwood to treat cholera, stomach complaints, venereal diseases and vomiting. Sandalwood stimulates the immune system and can reduce inflammation.

Lavender makes a wonderful addition to any blend that targets the emotions such as stress, anxiety and irritability, and worry. Lavender is known to promote physical and emotional well-being. This was certainly recognized by many cultures in antiquity. The Romans were known to bath with in order to alleviate fatigue. It was also planted in graveyards as it.  In Europe it was popular for love remedies and would be placed under the pillow to help induce sleep. It was also placed in sick rooms and used as a means to defend oneself against the black plague. In Welsh folklore it was used to dispel witches and evil spirits and it other cultures it was thought to protect children from the evil eye.

Although its rich and exotic floral scent is revered in perfumery, Jasmine has been used in sacred rites, particularly in India. The jasmine, flower, for example is commonly used in religious offerings. They are often found on temples and effigies and are considered s symbol of purity and innocence. Popular ancient love deities such as Kama and Eros also have associations with Jasmine are often depicted with Jasmine. Ancient moon deities have also been linked to the Jasmine flower such as the Egyptian Goddess Isis. Jasmine has the wonderful ability to aid in creativity and intuition. Not only does it calm the nervous system, it is believed to help lift the emotions and encourage feelings of joy.

Balsam copaiba originates from the Amazon and has been used for centuries as a powerful healing remedy as it contains powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. In aromatherapy it is believed to reduce anxiety and create overall feelings of well-being. It is a lovely oil to work with if one wishes to become more reflective and aware.

Here are but a few ways to use essential oils:

Inhalant: Add 1 to 2 drops to a cotton ball and inhale the aroma.

Incense: Add 1 to 2 drops on a burning charcoal.

Cleanser: Mix 20 drops into 12 ounces of warm water. Add ½ squeezed lemon and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar.

Bath: Add 9 to 10 drops in a bath.

Message Oil: Mix 4 to 5 drops with two tablespoons of carrier oil such as almond oil, jojoba oil or coconut oil.

Laundry: Add 10 to 15 drops of oil per laundry load

Diffuser: Add 10-15 drops in an aromatic diffuser.

Room Freshener: Add 20 drops to 4 ounces of warm water and place in a spray bottle. Shake well.

Humidifier: Add a few drops to a humidifier.

For spiritual practices, blend 4-5 drops with either almond oil or olive oil.  Anoint your favorite talismans, sacred objects or colored candles. Rub some on your wrists and temples during meditation and prayer. Dab some on a cotton ball and keep it in your wallet or pocket. Dab some on your jewelry or simply rub some on your body. Dab a few drops on a vision board or altar. You can even dab some on your business cards, important documents or on anything that has significant meaning for you. Use the Room Freshener technique to change the energy in your home, dispel negativity and to create a more spiritual environment.