The ancient SHABTI Dolls the Egyptians believed that the afterlife was a mirror image of life on Earth. When a person died their individual Journey did not end but was merely translated from the Earthly plane to the eternal. This concept of the mirror -image, there was also work in the afterlife. The ancient Egyptians were very industrious and once work was highly valued by the community.
Shabti Dolls we're funari figures in ancient Egypt who accompanied the deceased to the after-life.

The figures, shaped as an adult male or female mummies, appear in tombs early on (when they represented the deceased) and by the time of the New Kingdom (1570-1069 BCE) we're Made of Stone or wood and( in the late period they were composed of faience) and represented any Anonymous 'worker'. Each doll was inscribed with a 'spell' ( known as the Shabti formula) which specified the function of the particular figure. The most famous of these bills is spell 472 from the Coffin Text date from c. 2143-2040 BCE. Their function is made clear and Egyptian Book of the Dead for the deceased provide guidance in the unfamiliar realm of the afterlife.

The Book of the Dead contain spells which are to be spoken by the Soul at different times and for different purposes in the afterlife. When the soul was called upon in the afterlife to labor of Osiris, order receipt the spell and shabti would come to life and perform one's duty as a replacement.

Every Shabti doll was hand-carved to express the task. The dogs were purchased from the temple workshops and the more Shabti dolls one could afford corresponded to one's personal wealth. In the modern times, therefore, the number of dolls found in excavated tombs has helped archaeologists determine the statue of the tomb's owner.

Shabti dolls are the most numerous type of artifact to survive from the ancient Egypt. They were found in the tombs of people from all classes of society poorest to the most wealthy and commer to King.
If one had been wealthy enough on Earth to afford a small army of Shabti dolls, one could look forward to quite a comfortable afterlife; and so once Earthly statues was reflected in the Eternal order in keeping the Egyptian concept of the afterlife as a direct reflection on once time on Earth.