*~ Wire Wrapped Crystal Necklace Rose Quartz 7 Chakra Gemstone Pendant Tree of Life Crystal Pendant ~ *

Perfect crystals for Strength, Positivity, Energy, Cleansing, Balance

Use Rose Quartz crystals for Protection, Healing, restoring balance, third eye chakra, crown chakra, heart chakra, self-awareness, strength

Handmade wire wrap crystal 7 chakra gemstone pendant with Tree of Life Sacred Geometry Design on natural ROSE QUARTZ crystal pointI find this to be the perfect combination, the tree of life symbol representing universal balance, 7 chakra gemstones representing our energy system, connecting us from the earth to the heavens as does the tree of life. Crystals give off healing energy useful for healing yourself, unblocking, balance the 7 chakras - Use the pendants powerful stones to heal yourself, increase energy vibrations, restore harmony within, increase positive energy, for optimum mentality, physical health. Add a necklace by choosing from the menu above - either a black cord necklace, .925 Sterling Silver Rolo chain necklace or .925 sterling silver snake chain necklace. Since tree of life pendants are handmade, each wire wrapped chakra gemstone pendant is unique. Photos are examples of a few wire wrapped crystal pendants - the wrapped rose quartz crystal pendant you receive will be very similar, but not the exact rose quartz crystal wire wrap tree pendant pictured.

Chakra Gemstones Crystal Meaning

Garnet Root Chakra ~ gonads glands; for grounding, survival

Orange Carnelian Sacral Chakra ~ pancreas gland;  for emotions, sexuality, creativity

Citrine Solar Plexus Chakra ~ adrenal gland; for Individuality, Choice, power, ego, will

Jade Heart Chakra ~ thymus gland; for love, responsibility

Aquamarine Throat Chakra - Thyroid gland; for  communication, physical or spiritual, truth

Iolite ~ Third Eye Chakra ~ pineal glands; for forgiveness, compassion, intuition, understanding

Amethyst Crown Chakra ~ pituitary gland; for connection with universal energies, spiritual realms, higher self

Rose quartz is a stone of unconditional, universal love which opens the heart chakra to all forms of love. Rose Quartz crystals are perfect for work with the heart chakra, third eye chakra, crown chakras. Rose Quartz crystals raise self-esteem and one's sense of self-worth. Use Rose Quartz crystals to balance and heal emotions, emotional wounds, traumas, and grief - bringing peace and calm. Rose quartz crystals help remove fears, resentments and anger - helpful for releasing childhood traumas, neglect, lack of love- in part by enhancing inner awareness. All in all this crystal is a very soothing and happy stone. Rose Quartz crystals dispel negativity and protect against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. Rose quartz crystals encourage self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth. Rose quartz is one of the most important stones for opening the Heart Chakra to all types of love. Not only do Rose Quartz crystals open your heart to receiving love from other people, it also brings self love. Rose Quartz crystals help restore trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. This stone is great for calming, soothing, raising self-esteem, easing guilt, balancing emotions. Rose Quartz crystals are particularly helpful for deep inner healing, helping to lower stress, restoring comfort and deep peace. This crystal is also a great tool to use when increasing creativity and imagination. It is thought that Rose Quartz crystals have the power to increase fertility, protect both mother and unborn child during pregnancy and birth.

Sacred geometry symbology such as The Tree Of Life, Flower of Life, Seed of Life, represent our simple complexity and universal connections with all existence. The tree of Life symbol is found throughout history, in science, religion, philosophy, mythology. The Tree Of Life or The Tree of Knowledge, depicted as a tree with many branches and roots, a symbol of universal connection, illustrating the concept that all life on earth is related, interconnected as with the flower of life, seed of life both parts of sacred geometry as well. 

You can see why the rose quartz point combined with these chakra stones is very powerful & helpful for healing, regaining balance, finding your inner self & your way.

  Unconditional love   Healing   Self-love   Caring   Kindness   Friendship   Romantic love   Platonic love

I am very passionate about crystals & feel lucky I have been able to help spread the beauty & healing abilities of these amazing crystals & jewelry. I personally make or pick out each piece from the people who made it. I ensure every piece is respected, treated with love, & care. Before shipping to you I also make sure to clear all energies & charge the crystals. Please take note that as with any natural creation there may be some slight size or color variation, as well as inclusions, pits or tiny cracks - these give the stones personality just like us -they are imperfect in their perfect nature! It is my pleasure to be able to do this as a business & pass on these amazing "gems" to others. Please feel free to email me with any questions. I am always willing to combine shipping for multiple items as well -  Buy 3 or more items  & get FREE SHIPPING!

Mystic Mana Crystals & Jewelry Store  - browse all my beautiful handmade jewelry and be sure your order qualifies for FREE SHIPPING!  Thanks!