Original Sales Brochure for the 1980 Chevrolet Camaro including Z 28, Rally Sport, Sport Coupe and Berlinetta.  The brochure has 14 pages measuring 8 1/2" x 11" and it is in mint condition.  Included are stunning color pictures of all models, interior and exterior, information on features, engines, transmissions, safety features, and a two-page guide to interior and exterior color combinations.  Their is a cut-away view of the Camaro showing the standard features and the back cover has a fantastic chart with all of the options and models to build your own Camaro.  Their is also two special pages devoted to options with a color picture and a detailed description of each option.  The comprehensive information and pictures make this brochure a must for every Camaro enthusiast.  Ideal piece of auto literature for restoration details or it can be used for display at car shows and cruise ins.  Litho in U.S.A.  July 1979  3902