Humans 3.0 [New Blu-ray]

Title: Humans 3.0

Format: Blu-ray

Label: Acorn

Genre: TV Sci-Fi

UPC: 054961267798

Release Date: 2019

One year after synths around the globe gained consciousness, human distrust of synths is at an all-time high, and both populations struggle to cope with the fallout. Human lawyer Laura (Katherine Parkinson, The IT Crowd) fights for synth rights at a high-profile government commission, while Mia (Gemma Chan, Crazy Rich Asians) and Max (Ivanno Jeremiah, Black Mirror) run a settlement for sentient synths. But Max is torn between his new role as leader and helping his friend, human-synth hybrid Leo (Colin Morgan, The Fall). When a bomb blast at a synth-friendly bar inflames already high tensions, Niska (Emily Berrington, 24: Live Another Day) searches for the perpetrator, and what she finds will have monumental consequences for humans and synths alike.

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